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James Kerman

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Posts posted by James Kerman

  1. Welcome to the forum @Larry Kerman. There is no difference in modibility between steam or direct download. The one issue you may have with a steam install and mods is that auto updates tend to throw your saves out and you may need to wait a while for your favorite mods to update. There is a mitigation for this - KSP does not contain any DRM so you can leave the steam install location vanilla and copy and paste another copy of KSP to a different location which will make your modded install immune to updates.

  2. 2 hours ago, Krishnan Kerman said:

    the plane yawwed hardd to the left even with no input.

    There can be many reasons for this behaviour so in this case a pic would really help. Some quick things to try would be to increase the spring/dampers of the landing gear (you need to enable advanced tweekables in the settings menu) or try larger gear. Another possibility is that you are getting asymmetrical thrust on launch because you don't have enough air intakes and so only one engine is firing.

  3. The KSP Moderation Team is proud to present

    Threads of the Month Awards, for May 2020!


    While many of us are subject to lockdown/social distancing it is pleasing for the moderation team to see a lot more activity around KSP and on the forum and we hope that the game provides an excellent distraction from the pandemic and that you all stay safe and well during these difficult times. We have noticed an influx of new members lately and we welcome you all and hope you have a great time here. Without further ado let's see this months picks;


    First up this month we have @Chequers Orbit Boot Camp challenge. Great for both new and experienced players, this improved my efficiency to orbit by just reading:

    @GEPEG_Unconscious's tour de force mission report of @OhioBob's Grannus Expansion Pack featuring trials and tribulations and some great vessel design.

    For those looking for an authentic Starliner mod you will want to keep an eye on @DylanSemrau's work in progress here:

    Once again @Oraldo revak amazes us with his storytelling and cinematic skills as he begins a new multi part adventure with Jeb:

    @AndrewDraws stellar work creating Real Exoplanets (with assistance from planet hunter extraordinaire @ProtoJeb21) allows players to explore the strange new worlds being discovered in the universe.

    Last, but never least we have @Servo's excellent PBY Catalina flying boat replica.

    Congratulations to all for your wonderful contributions and please remember to report a thread (add the comment 'totm') or PM a moderator if you feel it is worthy of thread of the month.  Special thanks go to @Just Jim, @mabdi36, @Hotel26, @Klapaucius, @VoidCosmos, @sturmhauke and @AloE for their nominations this month.

    All winners are free to add the Thread of the Month badge (created by our very own @adsii1970) to their posts, signatures or to create a garden using the badge as a template, provided that;

    1. You own the land, 2. The land in question is not home to endangered species of flora or fauna, 3. You use best practice for safety while establishing said garden, 4. You must not use any noxious or restricted flora, 4a. Incorporating banana into your creation gets bonus points.

  4. Welcome to the forum @aashestakov,

    By default the parachutes will only open if you are flying slow enough for it to be safe to do so. If the parachutes stay red all the way down in the staging information (bottom left of screen) you are moving too fast to deploy. If this is so all is not lost as there are a few ways to de-orbit that might help to slow you down a bit more like coming in at a shallower angle (so that you spend more time in the atmosphere).

  5. 1 hour ago, 徐俊睿 said:

    I can't understand many words.

    Welcome to the forum, and congratulations on your progress, even with the language problem.  The game includes Chinese localization but installation depends on where you bought it:

    If it is from the store you need to download the language pack from there and install it.

    If it's from steam you need to right click on KSP in your games list, select properties, select the tab at the top 'language', change to Chinese and then verify the games files:

    If you need any help building and flying rockets then please ask questions, you will find the members here are very friendly and helpful.

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