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James Kerman

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Posts posted by James Kerman

  1. 10 minutes ago, CosmicCharlie said:

    I don't have the folders the instructions tell me are where the log files are located.

    One problem you may have if you are following the instructions for 1.8 is that the AppData folder is hidden by default in Windows. If so you need to enable 'show hidden files and folders' and it will become visible.

  2. Please stay, you have been an excellent contributor to KSP and the community.

    Your explanations of game mechanics, work with stock bearings, challenges and mechanical designs have been a major inspiration to me and many others during your time on the forum. 

    I do understand the frustration you feel that a lot of your hard work was lost through updates to the game and if we cannot convince you to stay for KSP, I do take hope that you will be back for KSP 2.

  3. Welcome to the forum @Getgotyeet, there are a few methods but this is the one I mostly use;
    On the forum front page you have the option to 'start a new topic'  - You are then presented with options for where the thread will be located. If you were going to ask a question about playing KSP then you would select 'gameplay questions' then continue. You should see a topic setup screen and can ask away.

  4. The KSP Moderation Team is proud to present

    Threads of the Month Awards, for February 2020!


    This month we would like to give a special tribute to all the people involved with NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope that will be put into safe mode after 16 years of stellar service discovering exoplanets, distant galaxies and star forming clouds of dust and gas. Astronomers will use Spitzer's data legacy long after the mission ends and the space telescope will be placed in a ‘sun coning’ attitude that will eventually be lapped by Earth in 34 years.


    First up for February we have a fascinating tutorial and showcase/shareplace for the robotic parts and same vessel interactions by @Servo in The Spacecraft Exchange sub forum:

    In keeping with the theme of an unconventional approach to design and construction @klond has astonished us with this stock KSP V8:

    If you have ever thought that the KSC needs a harbor (that includes water, helipad and rover spawn points) @JadeOfMaar has released this fantastic mod, normally part of JNSQ:

    If you ever wanted to see the constellation program in action in KSP, @Jay The Amazing Toaster has begun an inspiring playthrough here:

    Next we have an amazing community space station challenge by @Jeb-head-mug kerman and all the contributors to this thread:

    @Hotel26 and the Prestigious Association of Kerbin Explorers have been orienteering their way to all the best sights on the planet utilising basic navigation instructions, great design and vocabulary:

    Our stalwart pillar of the community, @linuxgurugamer, has created a stopwatch mod at the request of a member that gives us the ability to play better and also not overcook food while doing so:

    Congratulations to all for your wonderful contributions and please remember to report a thread (add the comment 'totm') or PM a moderator if you feel it is worthy of thread of the month.  Special thanks go to @fulgur, @sturmhauke and @Mars-Bound Hokie for nominating.

    All winners are free to add the great new Thread of the Month badge (created once again by our very own @adsii1970) to their posts, signatures or have it shaved into their hair provided that 1) You are not bald 2) You are not subject to any dress rules in school/at work/by family/etc. 3) The work must be done by a reputable salon with public/customer insurance. 4) You do not live in a community that discriminates against strange haircuts. 5) Pics or it didn't happen.

  5. 2 hours ago, Dan766 said:

    i downloaded KF mod for 1.8.1 and gme starts but no parts

    By KF you do mean Kerbal Foundries? If so the mod is only listed as compatible with 1.7.3. It is possible to downgrade your game version for compatibility if you have a steam install by right clicking on KSP, selecting properties and clicking on the Betas tab. If you open the 'select the beta you would like to opt into' you can select 1.7.3 and you should be able to play with Kerbal Foundries.

  6. Welcome to the forum @Dan766, I think you are referring to having installed Kerbal Foundries so I've moved your issue to tech support, PC, modded. Are you running the latest version of KSP? If so the problem is most likely to be the fact that KF has not been updated to the latest version (1.8.1). If this is not the problem you can read through this post explaining the steps required to get support for a modded install:


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