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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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3 hours ago, Birdman31 said:

I have been wondering, do you guys plan on tackling some of the US mars rovers, like Sojourner or the Mars Exploration Rovers ?

If they do, it won't be for KSP 1. KSP 1 BDB is, for all terms and purposes, pretty much done. There's one last update coming with a few things, but in terms of any big updates like rovers, they'll have to wait for BDB 2, and that's IF Cobalt and the team want to tackle them. 

A big thing about rovers is KSP 1 wheels... well, they suck, bad. I mean, hell, it took Cobalt until now just to give us a lunar rover. So yeah, we'll have to wait and see if KSP 2's wheels are improved, which it looks like they are, considering the dev team has been making 'race cars'

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Mariner family is here!

Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Mariner 2:






Mariner B:






Mariner 3:






Mariner 5: (Warning to people using their phones in the dark, flashbang photo incoming!)






Mariner 10:








Fun fact: The Eve Mariner 10 and the Moho Mariner 10 are two separate Mariner 10s. I didn't feel like waiting for the long burn of the Eve probe under infinite fuel. Also, infinite fuels causes engines to overheat for some reason, so the engine would shut down... yeah, decided, screw it, just launch a centaur with a new Mariner 10 and use Centaur under infinite fuels to get to Moho. 

Edited by GoldForest
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11 hours ago, zakkpaz said:

i don't have that issue, looking for a simple solution are you use the right part?  there's a fake one on top of the the part the real one attaches to.


yep right part it just doesn't deploy no matter how much I tweak the deployment pressure and altitude it doesn't go it also doesn't say that it is stowed or any other issue

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19 hours ago, zakkpaz said:

There's a small bug with the model for the Mercury drogue chute. the chute works but its model is broken, the actual parachute part deploys way down on the bottom with the cable its supposed to be attached to going through it.N495we4.png

I have the same issue visually. I can see the cable (cord, stick?) rising through the top of the chute as well. I always thought it was a bit weird. My chutes have full functionality though. Everything works fine, I just have the artifact above the drogue. Using RealChute.

@CobaltWolf, @Invaderchaos, @Zorg, any thoughts on this? Thanks.

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17 minutes ago, ra4nd0m said:

Well there are still Viking landers and the rest of the probes plus is somewere in developmnet 

@Invaderchaos has been MIA for a little bit now, at least in terms of modding from what I understand. I doubt we'll see Viking any time soon, especially since they are working on like five projects at once. 

As for the probes plus/BDB collab, haven't heard much about it since it was announced, afaik anyway.

Haven't been watching the BDB forums that closely, so someone feel free to correct me on either point.

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11 minutes ago, DaveyJ576 said:

@CobaltWolf, @Invaderchaos, @Zorg, any thoughts on this? Thanks.

Parachutes were a mistake. Do suicide burns instead.


7 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

@Invaderchaos has been MIA for a little bit now, at least in terms of modding from what I understand. I doubt we'll see Viking any time soon, especially since they are working on like five projects at once. 

As for the probes plus/BDB collab, haven't heard much about it since it was announced, afaik anyway.

Haven't been watching the BDB forums that closely, so someone feel free to correct me on either point.

Invader has been working on ORANGES with @EStreetRockets. I can't find a thread but I know they've shared a lot of the work (as well as a pre-release download) on Twitter. https://github.com/EStreetRockets/ORANGES/releases

I haven't heard anything about the Viking in months now, I don't know if I'd hold out hope. :(

Yeah, I've been absolutely dead since the wedding+hunting and haven't even thought about modding much at all lately. Still waiting to see how things shake out.

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1 hour ago, CobaltWolf said:

Parachutes were a mistake. Do suicide burns instead.


Invader has been working on ORANGES with @EStreetRockets. I can't find a thread but I know they've shared a lot of the work (as well as a pre-release download) on Twitter. https://github.com/EStreetRockets/ORANGES/releases

I haven't heard anything about the Viking in months now, I don't know if I'd hold out hope. :(

Yeah, I've been absolutely dead since the wedding+hunting and haven't even thought about modding much at all lately. Still waiting to see how things shake out.

I hope they make a forum post. I downloaded the current build and what they have so far looks AMAZING. I actually had some trouble finding them at first because they blended in so well with BDB and @benjee10's stuff.

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I've starred playing carrier and i've noticed a problem with contracts when using JNSQ.

On the Nimbus contract it has all the experiments listed as being done in low orbit but request a high orbit. it's impossible to reach the orbit required, 815 km , with with any of the Thor or Delta rockets that carried the satellites IRL.

this is the only contract i've encountered so far that does this but from looking at the i suspect Lunar Orbiter and OGO might have the same issue.

Does any know a guide to how to write contract .cfg's I think I can fix this.

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A Saturn V rocket stands ready to launch Voyager Mars.



Very little in terms of views of the launch, due to it necessarily being at night since that was the only way to match inclination with Mars for this transfer window at this latitude.



The spacecraft in orbit.


Transfer burn to Mars.


Departing Terra.


The first probe separates.


Jettisoning dual payload adapter.


Second probe deployed. I decided to do one normal and one upgraded probe to showcase the variation. The upgraded one has a better antenna, an improved imaging platform, and more experiments in general.


A small amount of velocity from separation adds up over time. The debris will remain in solar orbit.


Voyager 1A approaches Mars.


This one is placed into a polar orbit, to deploy the probe at a high-latitude site.


Voyager 1B approaches Mars.


Entering equatorial orbit. I wanted to get a flyby of Phobos, but delta-v margins were basically non-existant after an expensive mid-course correction, and the tiny moon didn't want to cooperate.


Voyager 1A deploys the Voyager 1C lander above the southern Martian pole.


De-orbit burn with a solid rocket motor.


Jettisoning the de-orbit motor. The heat shield has reaction control thrusters, which can redirect it to face the atmosphere.


Martian atmospheric entry.


Heat shield jettison & parachute deployment.


The parachute is cut at about 2km altitude, and the landing engines complete the descent.



The Voyager 1C lander has successfully touched down on Mars.



The Voyager 1D lander, deployed from the 1B probe, is now ready to land.




Landing was successful, but unfortunately contact was lost shortly after touchdown.


What actually happened was that it glitched through the terrain and exploded due to being beneath the surface. I think the Parallax collider has issues in some places.

My favourite images from the mission:




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Time for more screenshot tax. Here's the landing of a LM Shelter, which would be the first of a series of Apollo-derived surface shelter missions I plan to do. It was launched yesterday, which was also the 50th anniversary of Apollo 17's launch. To commemorate the mission, I decided to use a crewed Apollo CSM in the same configuration of Apollo 17's CSM to deliver the LM Shelter, instead of the unmanned Apollo SM I normally use.








That last screenshot is one of the two Voyager Mars landers launched not long ago to the Mun, as a test flight of the entire Voyager Mars concept. As for why I included a screenshot of this lander here, that's because it is the landing target for the LM Shelter. The other lander would also be the target of another crewed Munar mission in the future, while the two orbiters serve as relays for other missions.

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On 12/7/2022 at 11:02 AM, Royalswissarmyknife said:


yep right part it just doesn't deploy no matter how much I tweak the deployment pressure and altitude it doesn't go it also doesn't say that it is stowed or any other issue

That is a third party mod interacting poorly with the parachute then.  

In my experience,  There are two major and a few minor mods that really mess with parts sometimes catastrophically.

Tweak Everything has been known to bug out BDB Nosecones/parachutes  (that would be the first culprit I would look for.)

Then any of the KJR family of mods.   Just too many niggling issues for me to use them... and yes they HAVE caused issues with weird parachute behavior in the past so it *COULD* be them.

A third one could be a bad copy of RealChute and or SafeChute (which do work fine on my system)  

Beyond that look at mods that alter play-style (Things like SMURF or Skyhawk, FAR, etc... where they do a pretty in-depth conversion of the base files.)  


Hope that helps,   I don't know what is causing your issues but that is what has caused issues for me in the past.




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2 hours ago, 1124max said:

Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but is anyone else having an issue when they try flying Artemis construction kits EUS with the MB-60 where the top left engine is destroyed during staging?

Wrong thread buddy.

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OAO Family! Usually, I do these one craft a day, but I decided to knock the entire OAO family out of the park in one day seeing as there's only three of them and they're really simple to build.

Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
















Oh, @Rodger I think the OAO solar panels need a buff. They can't support the power needs of telescopes doing their surveys. This was with the space dust versions. 

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3 hours ago, GoldForest said:

OAO Family! Usually, I do these one craft a day, but I decided to knock the entire OAO family out of the park in one day seeing as there's only three of them and they're really simple to build.

Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet


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Oh, @Rodger I think the OAO solar panels need a buff. They can't support the power needs of telescopes doing their surveys. This was with the space dust versions. 

OAO is such an underrated probe, good to see someone still using it

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On 7/14/2022 at 5:37 PM, Zorg said:

System Heat integration - TESTING NEEDED

So we are currently testing integrating System Heat into BDB as a soft dependency to manage boiloff. We are looking for feedback and testing right now. 

Some notes

1. System Heat in the future will likely become a BDB dependency but a soft one. Meaning you can remove it without adverse effects and things will work as before (this is an aspect that needs testing, ie is everything working fine even if you dont install it with todays updates to the dev branch?). For the time being System Heat is not bundled with the development branch files, you need to grab it separately

2. For testing integration please grab the DEVELOPMENT version of System Heat from github here :


3. Things like Centaur jettison etc should be working and have an effect and different types of tanks should have different levels of boiloff and cooling requirements too. Unlike the old BDB system boiloff rates are fixed in config so you cant tune to taste in the difficulty menu. However unlike before you have ways to mitigate boiloff. We may also get a feature to turn off boiloff in the SH menu in the future for people who want to use System Heat but not use it for boiloff. The way we have balanced things is outlined below.


4 How it works

In order to manage boiloff simply enable cooling on all tanks that require it in the VAB. You can then spam enough radiators until the loop temperature stablises in the part action window.


Better would be to open the System Heat ui. We can see for instance we need 5kW of cooling here


with 3 conformal MOL radiators we are good to go.


With a 4th we have a bit more margin. You can also assign parts to loops. Radiators in a given loop will only cool heat generating parts in that loop. In this case the loop is red because the radiators and tank have been reassigned to loop 1. Loops are helpful to keep ships cooling systems separate when docking, or within a single vessel if you have different requirements. For example a nuclear reactor and high powered rads on one loop, and the cryo tanks and small rads on another.

Parts cannot be reassigned from 1 loop to another in flight but the ID of each loop can be changed. You might want to do this for instance if you are docking 2 nuclear tugs and both have their tanks and rads set to loop 0. To avoid merging the loops upon docking, you can change the ID to another number on one vessel. Note that in such a case merging the loops is unlikely to cause issues since the two loops contain similar parts. You can check the system heat wiki for more information. The UI might look a little intimidating at first glance but I feel its actually informative and intuitive once you've used it just a little. And of course as I said you can remove system heat if you would rather not deal with it.

With this you are ready for zero boiloff cryo adventures. And of course huge thanks to Nertea for adding these features to System Heat for our needs.


Hi, I cannot seem to integrate the Loops with the engines resulting in them overheating and exploding, though screenshots explicitly show being able to do so, either the mod isn't functioning after multiple varying installs or something else is missing. Additionally you stated "(systemheat will) become a BDB dependency but a soft one. Meaning you can remove it without adverse effects and things will work as before" but after adjusting this in the settings the engines continue to overheat and explode despite it's deactivation.

I've been tweaking this on and off for a while now, and I cannot get it to BDB to function without exploding engines either way. 
How do I solve this. 

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