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'Mk1 Lander Can' IVA Replacement by ASET[1.1]


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'Mk1 Lander Can' IVA Replacement by ASET



ASET company is proud to present the new product — Advanced IVA for 'Mk1 Lander Can'

Advanced IVA  for 'Mk1 Lander Can' is a full set of  instruments for your spacecraft control and aviating inspired by the Golden Era of cosmonautics (1960-1970-ies).

Feel yourself a brave pioneer of space.  No modern MFD, no advanced electronics! Only analog gauges, made in the style of NASA Moon program.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                view imgur album


Get a new unforgettable experience of flying with such instruments as FDAI, DSKY, X-Pointer and others.

  • brand new interior for the stock LanderCabinSmall
  • brand new set of instruments in NASA-retro style:
  • Flight Director/Attitude Indicator (FDAI) with the dedicated control panel (FDAI GMCP) and switch set. Use the MOARdv’s great manual for this device.
  • Altitude/Range Rate Tapemeter (ARRT) with the two dedicated toggle-switches for turning the devices on and off and for the mode selection (height/vertical speed or distance to target/closing speed), also with the error indicator.
    Use the MOARdv’s great manual for this device.
  • Thrust-to-Weight Indicator (TW) with the mode switch (current TWR / the maximum possible TWR)
  • X-pointer with the mode and display range selectors, also with the error indicator. Use the MOARdv’s great manual for this device.
  • ASET_DSKY – LCD-display with the keyboard for the important flight information (orbit, orbit of target vessel), a rendezvous with the target, maneuver, timing, Delta V information). Use the MOARdv’s great manual for this device.
  • monochrome CRT-display for the targets’ menu and external cameras’ output
  • full set of the analog indicators (gauges):
    • Speed indicator (ASET_AnalogSpeedIndicator) with mode selector (auto, orbital, surface, relative)
    • Effective acceleration indicator (ASET_AnalogSpeedIndicator)
    • G-force indicator (NASA_G_Units_Indicator)
    • Slope indicator (NASA_Slope_Angl_Indicator)
    • Thrust limit indicator (NASA_Slope_Angl_Indicator)
    • Phase/Ejection/Moon ejection Angle indicator (ASET_PhaseAngleIndicator) with mode selector
    • Impact speed indicator (ImpactSpeedIndicator) with two scales for the current and the minimum possible touchdown speed
  • full set of the vertical single and Edgewise meters (resources, temperature and engine indicators)
  • numerical LCD-display for the current altitude and и surface height
  • numerical LCD-display for the amount of resources on board and mode selector for it
  • gauge for the battery charge
  • gauge for the power supply panel and the power source selector (generator, fuel cell, solar panels and alternator)
  • full set of the mechanical ( aka "barber pole") and warning light indicators ("low charge", "low fuel" etc)
  • full set of the push-buttons (RetroButton) for all basic functions (custom groups, SAS modes etc) 
  • New toggle switches in the 'NASA' style


mods dependency


Module Manager 2.8+

RasterPropMonitor v0.30.2

ASET_Props v 1.5+




'Mk1 Lander Can' IVA Replacement by ASET v 1.1 (Spacedock)



- Install into “/Gamedata/ASET/"


Many thanks to the group of testers for their help with this release

@nukeboyt  @imerg  @StevieC  @Plecy75   @ISE  @holodmer @chimpbone

@Dragon01 @lazar2222 @simtom @Zapo147 @lennie @PhantomC3PO

@Chaumas @Mecripp @panarchist @Ghosty141 @Lo Var Lachland @sebseb7

@harrisjosh2711 @Falco01 @>The Amazing Spy<


Special thanks to  @MOARdV, @Mihara, @DennyTX@nukeboyt , @Dragon01 and @linuxgurugamer for their help and support with the mods development.

And all the forum users who support and motivate me to keep working on my mods.


Like what I do? Want to directly support development? Consider donating via Patreon or Paypal!         QcYfNA1.png?1               btn_donate_LG.gif



'Mk1 Lander Can' IVA Replacement by ASET" by Alexustas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.



26/11/2017 - v1.1 
  *All switches changed to new modular ones.
  *Changed instrument layout.


Edited by alexustas
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  On 2/8/2017 at 8:22 PM, lerond said:

I have a problem. I have 1.2.2, this mod and all mods required, but it doesn't show. Any ideas what might be the problem?


Similar problems like this occur when ModuleManager is missing.   Double check that it is present.  Otherwise,  check the installation location.   GameData-->ASET-->Folders from different ASET mods

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  On 2/9/2017 at 12:43 AM, lerond said:

Guess I will try to reinstall it.


Let us know if and how you fix the problem.  It will help others.  :cool:

  On 2/9/2017 at 2:19 PM, emirkustirika said:

what is the problem ?1_zpscrlaxyxx.png3_zpssylcfeyt.png2_zpsl2yudhjn.png


You have an incomplete or improper installation.  I suggest you delete the ASET folder and try again.   When all of Alex's (recently released) mods are installed, the ASET folder should look like this.



I took this screen capture before the official release of the Mk1 cockpit, so "ASETDemoMK1Cockpit" above should read:   "Mk1_Cockpit_IVA_Replacement_by_ASET ".  Sorry for any confusion

Edited by nukeboyt
Correct Folder Name
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