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[1.12.x] Tundra Exploration - v7.1.1 (Dec 26th, 2024) - (Re)Stockalike SpaceX Falcon 9, (Crew) Dragon (XL) & Haven-1!


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On 10/27/2017 at 11:03 AM, damonvv said:

Tundra Exploration RO compatibility patch

The time is here!
Tundra Exploration finally has its own RO config pack made by @Nessus_.


  • Realistic part sizes, fuel types/capacities and (mostly) masses for Gojira (Starship), Ghidorah (Falcon 9/FH), Bagorah (Falcon 9 v1.0), Mothra (Falcon 1), Gigan (Dragon 1), Rodan (Dragon 2) and Strongbacks
  • Realistic names for all parts
  • Falcon 9 versions of the RCS thrusters (using Nitrogen) and Landing Legs from KRE
  • SpaceX logos for all Falcon rockets
  • Adjustments for all SmokeScreen plumes from Tundra Exploration for the new part sizes.


  • Install Tundra Exploration and all of its dependecies
  • Copy the contents of GameData into the GameData folder of your KSP RO install
  • Copy the contents of Extras/SpaceXDecals/GameData into the GameData folder of your KSP RO install (and override files if asked)


  • Better mass-values for Dragon 1 and 2
  • Realistic maximum temperatures


  • GitHub-Logo.png



Please report anything that looks off or wrong on the github repo. Updates will go through there.
Happy launches!


is possible to get only the real logos and names?

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19 hours ago, SpaceFace545 said:

So @damonvv bit of an issue, The Gojira test pod RCS does not work because It is only set as liquid fuel + oxidiser and there is no way to change it (B9 partswitcher).

I see, I probably forgot to add the new part to the B9PS fuel patches. Will do that! I am planning on another small update later this week with some more fixes.

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On 10/27/2017 at 7:47 AM, damonvv said:

uMd9dcM.jpg      Thread of the Month: February 2019



Including Iridium Next, New Horizons and soon many more! (Check roadmap for what is coming)

Join me on Discord! (DEV talk only)

(Special Gojira Guide HERE)

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Planned features


Known issues

  • IVAs are weird. The next update will be focused on IVAs!
  • If your Mk4 is black. Make sure your KSP settings have shaders enabled (settings on the homescreen).


Required Mods

Not required but highly recommended:


Recommended Mods

Not supported Mods

  • Atmospheric autopilot
  • FAR

Beta versions on GitHub


Realism overhaul config patches (Currently for TE v1.6 only) by @Nessus_

Video by @damonvv


A very special thanks to @Beale, @CobaltWolf and @Nertea for the help and advise they give me to make something awesome. And @DiscoSlelge for creating those awesome patches!
And a massive thanks to @Rock3tman_@Nessus_, @JadeOfMaar, @Starwaster, @neistridlar and @Infinite Monkeys for the help of balancing some of the rockets for a better gameplay!


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Version 3.2.1
- Waterfall support for Gojira
- Added Heatshieldless variants for Gojira
- Removed glow on RPTR vac
- Added steel legs

Version 3.1.0
- KSP 1.11 support
- Added new Inventory space to pods
- Added more gimbal to the Raptor Engine
- Removed Raptor glow - Fixed white version for Ghidorah Heavy Nosecone
- Fixed Torque on Ghidorah Guidance Unit
- Fixed hinge on D2
- Fixed Cargo Rodan colliders - Fixed mass pass on Gigan
- Make all Ore-holding parts hold empty by default
- Heat limit balance pass
- Fixed octaweb symm, updated subcats
- Snacks! configs updated

Version 3.0.0
- Revamped Crew Rodan
- Added Cargo Rodan
- Remodeled Rodan Trunk
- Remodeled Rodan Heatshield
- Added Standalone Octaweb
- Added Standalone Merlin 1D
- Added Starlink Dish

Version 2.1.0
- Added drag cubes to erectors
- Fixed USI patches
- Fixed drag cubes with B9PS modules
- Fixed Ghidorah 9 Fairing texture
- Fixed soot on Ghidorah nose cone
- B9 LS switch to Gojira pods
- Fixed CC tank volume
- Added Configurable Containers support

Version 2.0.0
- Revamped Ghidorah Octopus
- Revamped Ghidorah stage 1 tank
- Revamped Ghidorah Interstage
- Revamped Ghidorah stage 2 engine
- Revamped Ghidorah stage 2 tank
- Revamped Ghidorah fairing
- Revamped Rodan trunk
- Revamped Command pod decoupler
- Fixed fairing band on erectors
- Added colors to B9PS switches
- Fixed RCS thrust curves
- Revamped Ghidorah Heavy parts
- Revamped Ghidorah soot

Version 1.7.2
- Updated to KSP 1.9.x
- Removed 2 windows on Rodan
- Added red Tundra logo on Ghidorah
- Updated soot texture on Ghidorah
- Added !RealFuels to the NEEDS..

Version 1.7.1
- Added umbilical to Rodan's trunk
- Added missing Mk4 SH tank fuel types
- Methalox mode engine nerf for same launch TWR
- Mk4 SL Raptors should be a little weaker
- Control toggle for all the big command pods
- Added stock subcats
- Fixed CGT links
- Fixed Rodan inventory where the command pod would dissapear in the VAB

Version 1.7.0
- Updated to KSP 1.8.x
- Renamed 2018 Gojira as "Mk3"
- Added Mk4 Gojira parts (2019 Starship)
- Updated textures for Unity 2019

Version 1.6.0
- Fixed Gimbal issue on Ghidorah Octopus engine
- Added configs to support Tundra Exploration RO configs
- Updated B9Tanks config

Version 1.5.0
- Added Bagorah 9 parts (Falcon 9 v1.0)
- Added Bagorah 9 strongback
- Added Ghidorah 9 LC-40 strongback
- Fixed Gigan rotation in VAB
- Fixed Gigans heatshield rotation in VAB
- Fixed Gigans Solar panel shield rotation in VAB
- Fixed Gigans Solar panel rotation in VAB
- Fixed Agent images not linked correctly in TundraTech
- More tweaks to plumes by @Nessus_
- Balance of all parts by @neistridlar (Make sure to use/make new .craft files)

Version 1.4
- Added new shader to solar panels
- Added custom shader for soot change on Ghidorah
- Added Revamped New Horizons (Paneer) parts
- Added Iridium parts
- Fixed fairing colliding with interstage
- Fixed Ghidorah interstage not pushing second stage away
- Cargo box adjustments
- Updated CoL heatshield Gigan
- Revamped Rodan IVA
- Fixed fairing seam on Ghidorah
- Revamp of Rapor plumes (By Nessus_ and JadeOfMaar)
- Revamp of Merlin plumes (By Nessus_ and JadeOfMaar)
- Fixed FH decoupler pushing boosters sideways almost into the core itself

Version 1.3
- Revamped Mothra 1 launcher
- Revamped Ghidorah 9 launcher
- Revamped Gigan parts
- Updated sounds/patches
- Expandable plumes by Nessus_ (needs Smokescreen)
- Added strongback (Needs Advanced Textures)
- Added CCK support

Version 1.2.2
- Fixed Rodan re-entry
- Fixed Mothra One fueltanks (Thanks Jade)
- Fixed cryo tank types
- Fixed tank volume for Mothra upper stage
- Added placeholder IVA for Starship

Version 1.2.1
- Added Gojira Tanker version
- Fixed Shielding on parts (Thanks @JadeOfMaar)
- Fixed craft files
- Removed hatch inside cargo bay on Gojira Command Pod
- Revamp Ghidorah sound

Version 1.2.0
- Added new Gojira parts (2018 BFR)
- Added new Rodan parts (2018 Crew Dragon)
- Added more new plumes (By @JadeOfMaar and @Nessus_)
- Changed Ghidorah 9 textures slightly
- Balanced some parts
- Cleanup configs
- Fixed SMURFF support
- Fixed Ghidorah Heavy decoupler (now uses Animated Decouplers)
- Fixed Ghidorah 9 interstage being wobbly
- Fixed antenna being in wrong tab
- Fixed Ghidorah fairing

Version 1.1.4
- Added new Ghidorah 9 plumes by @JadeOfMaar
- Added new Gigan RCS FX (plume by @Beale
- Added 3 engine modes for Ghidorah 9 (all 9, 3 engines and center only) You need Kerbal Actuators for it to work!
- Added black nosecones for Ghidorah Heavy Block 5
- Fixed Gojira crew pod antenna
- Fixed fairing colliding with upper stage
- Fixed texture slightly off landed Ghidorah version

- Fixed Gigan RCS FX
- Fixed fairing colliding with 2nd stage
- Updated .craft files
- Added version checker to Tundra Technologies for the future.

Version 1.1.3
- Added new Block 5 textures
- Added new `Block 4` textures
- Added new fairing adapter
- Added new fairings
- Revamped the Ghidorah Heavy nosecone
- Fixed a small bug with Gojira
- Updated the .craft files
- Updated B9PS and NFS
+ Added Tundra Technologies back in!

Version 1.1.2
- KSP 1.4.x
- Added indentations within some part configs
- separated resource defaults without B9PS into patch with same name
- Deleted entries that made KSP think RealPlume is always installed with this mod.
- Merged RealPlume configs into one file
- Added title field to agency and updated scaled logo. Tundra Exploration now appears in Manufacturers filter in VAB.
- Added B9 Part Switch integration to all tanks:
    - Provides fuel options where appropriate.
    - Supports CryoTanks with BoilOff.
    - Provides life support options for USI, TAC, Snacks in Gigan and Rodan command pods.
    - Reduced Ore units per volume due to its volume rating.
- Added Wild Blue Industries integration:
    - WBI resource switching module instead of B9 (B9 option is still there for changing Ghidorah texture).
    - (Only activates when Pathfinder is installed).
- Updated Near Future Solar
- Added B9 Part Switch
Many thanks to @JadeOfMaar for making these patches!

Version 1.1.1
- Updated for KSP 1.4.1
- Updated craft files
- Fixed RCS on Rodan
- Docking hatch moved from 95 degrees to 110
- Added antenna on Gigan pod and Gojiras first stage probe
- Added Falcon Heavy side decouplers (use action groups to decouple and animate the arms)
- Combined interstage with normal decoupler (use B9 part switch)
- Removed satellite parts (Moved to Tundra Technologies)
- Fixed BFR docking port staging
- Fixed RealPlume and SmokeScreen patches (Thank you @macktruck6666
- New Ghidorah 9 Block 5 textures

Version 1.1
- Added Falcon 1 (Mothra)
- Added Rodan lights!
- Added Pathfinder config by @Space Kadet
- Fixed BFR Balancing - Thank you @Rock3tman_
- Added Probe Core to Ghidorah (No more stock probes needed!)

Version 1.0.2
- Fixed .craft files
- Fixed USI LS issues with BFR

Version 1.0.1
- Balanced Gojira in some way
- Added Block 5 versions (texture only)
- Revamp texture on Ghidorah landing stage
- Added Snacks! configs by @debaker02
- Fixed Tech Tree (I am sorry you have to buy all the parts again if you play on hard difficulty)
- Added a Ghidorah Heavy .craft file
- Better search tags done by @SwGustav

Version 1.0
- Gojira command pod with fuel tank, engine shroud and engines (SpaceX's BFS)
- Gojira BFT-9000 Fuel Tank, engines and probe core (SpaceX's BFR)
- Revamp Ghidorah 9 textures (includes a brand new version as well as a landed/reused one) (Needs B9 Part Switch)
- Revamp Rodan and Gigan pod
- Balancing parts
- No IVA on Gojira, but coming in future update

Version 0.9.3
- Updated to 1.3.1
- Added SAS control for Gigan Pod for better control

Version 0.9.2
-Fixed Rodan Airlock
-Added gimbals to the Ghidorah 9
-Some other fixes that I can't remember

Version 0.9
-Redone Rodan (Dragon V2)
-Redone Ghidorah 9 (Falcon 9)
-Updated to 1.2.2
-Added parts to 1.2 catagories
-Fixed some things

Version 0.8.6
-Some hotfixes

Version 0.8.5
-Added Rosetta parts
-Added Philae parts
-Updated for 1.1(hopefully)
-Updated NearFuture Solar plugin

Version 0.8.1
-Fixed USI configs

Version 0.8
-Added Paneer probe (New Horizons)
-Added KIS, TAC, and USI configs
-Rebalanced Rodan

Version 0.7.2
-Added Igel probe (Hedgehog thing)
-Fixes for 1.0.5

Version 0.7
-Added Rodan IVA

Version 0.6
-Added Gigan parts (Cargo Dragon)
-Changed some of the stats to heatshields (they don't ablate as much anymore)

Version 0.5.2
-Added Flag Decals
-Balanced Octopus engine
-Updated NearFutureSolar plugin

Version 0.5.1
-Fixed issue with the trunk

Version 0.5
-Added Ghidorah 9 parts (Falcon 9)

Version 0.4.1
-Fixed scaling issues

Version 0.4
-Added LADEE parts called Staub
-Changed the solar panels to use the modules from NearFuture (thanks Nertea!)
-Some other bug fixes that I can't remember

Version 0.3.1
-Lowered amount of Monoprop
-Fixed Trunk attach node

Version 0.3
-Complete revamp of the Rodan!
-Fixed for 1.0.2

Version 0.2.3
-Hopefully fixed for 1.0 (not tested).

Version 0.2.2
-Fixed bugs with Ven-Patch and RCS

Version 0.2.1
-Optimized Rodan
-Changed folder layout to save RAM

Version 0.2
-Rodan IVA added.
-New folder layout
-Buffed thrust up to 150

Version 0.1.2
-Quick fix to NREs with the VenPatch.

Version 0.1.1
-Changed crew capacity from 6 to 5.
-Added a patch for Ven's Stock Revamp
-Changed License

Version 0.1
-Initial Release

Any of the configs are distributed under CC-NC-SA-4.0 License.
All Textures/models are distributed under All Right Reserved License. 

SootyShaderLoader is based on the custom shader importer by shadowmage and modyfied by DMagic with custom modules and settings.

CKAN is NOT supported by me, any problems with it is not on me. (kinda)

Follow me on Reddit! 

Donate a coffee!

Donate a stroopwafel to support what I do!

My starship is black and glitchy looking. I tried enabling shaders, but I can't seem to find the option to do that. that in the graphics settings right? does it have different terminology? btw I cannot stop playing with this mod, it's amazing!  

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2 hours ago, kevinhagandude said:

Is there a different term for shaders in the game options or something? i cant seem to find where to enable shaders in the graphics menu. trying to get starship to not be black

You might want to check if you have 'reflection refresh' on in graphics settings. 

Edited by OrdinaryKerman
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On 1/12/2021 at 1:51 AM, kevinhagandude said:

My starship is black and glitchy looking. I tried enabling shaders, but I can't seem to find the option to do that. that in the graphics settings right? does it have different terminology? btw I cannot stop playing with this mod, it's amazing!  

Do you have Textures unlimited installed? If so, you need to change the render quality to a higher setting to make it reflect the surroundings.

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Hi! My starship flaps aren't working properly. They seem to pivot around 5 degrees only, and will move either down or up (with the perspective of starship belly flopping), rather than just up like what it should do. Have I done something wrong with installation?

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5 hours ago, G4l4xee said:

Hi! My starship flaps aren't working properly. They seem to pivot around 5 degrees only, and will move either down or up (with the perspective of starship belly flopping), rather than just up like what it should do. Have I done something wrong with installation?

Check out the craft file that comes with it to see how the flaps work with the action groups. It is a complex system that needs a lot of understanding.

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2 hours ago, damonvv said:

Check out the craft file that comes with it to see how the flaps work with the action groups. It is a complex system that needs a lot of understanding.

I wouldn't put it that far, it's pretty easy to fly once you get the hang of it.

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8 hours ago, G4l4xee said:

Hi! My starship flaps aren't working properly. They seem to pivot around 5 degrees only, and will move either down or up (with the perspective of starship belly flopping), rather than just up like what it should do. Have I done something wrong with installation?

Right click on the command pod and change the control point to 'docking' during the bellyflop, it should allow you full flap control.

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I’m having problems with the mod. When I’ve installed it and opened up the game, there is no parts but there is flags the mod has. I’ve installed countless mods before and can’t understand why this isn’t working. Can someone tell be the proper steps for installing it in case I’m doing it wrong?

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