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I do no longer need this account and I am totally aware what's happening


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Hey um Kerbal Space Program Developers and Kerbal Space Program Forums producers, I have come to a conclusion that I no longer need this account and all of my other accounts that have the name "Trekkie148" 

The reason being is that back during 2015 when I first started doing YouTube on animations on space and Star Trek, and then at 2016 on Kerbal Space Program, I got bullied at on the Internet because of 1, my voice, 2 My skills, 3 "on here" ("When is this mod being updated for 1.3.0 1.4 ") and so on and @themaster401 @Galileo @linuxgurugamer @Avera9eJoe @Matt Lowne I Lowne @Thomas P. so sorry for giving you so much irritation and i'm not as good as you guys are in the game. I do know the basics of interplanetary travel, orbital mechanics, rendezvous, docking, building bases, and playing the game in general. :(

I also used to copy models from other 3d model websites on starships and host them as my own, back then I did not know about two factor authorization, copyright claims, fines, and many more. 

I've been in the progress of deleting all of my social media because whenever I think of the name "Trekkie148" it gives me nightmares and bad confidence in my self. I also know and hope you guys do a very good job in your daily activities and your awesome Kerbal Space Program mods, add-ons, plugins, or whatever creations you make in this wonderful game and I am so so excited for the 1.5.0 update! whaaa... :o

Just saying back then during 2015 I had a very vague idea about how to behave on the world wide web or on the internet in general. 

I am just saying i'm really sorry about what I have done to you and the rush I have done. and I hope to come back soon but not to soon. :/

Sorry I just like these emojis.


For a concluding note Goodbye "If the site developers would let me delete my account" good luck in life and fly safe! 


Oh and I did not take that from Scott Manley :wink:



Oh and I am sorry to Matt lowne for bugging you about making BFR in KSP 

Edited by Vanamonde
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G'day Mate,

As a trekkie and a KSP lover I am sad to see you feel this way.  The human mind is the most powerful processing tool but sometimes, especially when we are younger, it is our enemy - particularly when we are being self critical and the internet, while it has great places like this forum, can be somewhat of a cesspool when it comes to behavior.  Comments made online are rarely the same comments you would get talking face to face with someone as there is far less accountability in the internet world, also some individuals are just trolls for their own entertainment.  Haters are always going to hate.

I'm 46 and I still do and say things I regret but I own up to my mistakes and get on with life - this is how we grow and mature as individuals.

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If I came across as annoyed or agitated by you, I sincerely apologize. I do have a short fuse, but the last thing I would want is to make a young person feel bad about doing something he/she likes. We all go through what you are feeling now, and the internet is a cruel place where people forget basic things, like where people are in their life and even adults stoop to levels we shouldn’t while sitting behind the protection of our monitors and keyboards. I know I’m certainly guilty of this and as a teacher, I feel a little ashamed. All in all, I would like to see you stay around and participate in this community and I will try to work on myself as well and be more mindful of how I come across on these forums. 

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53 minutes ago, Galileo said:

If I came across as annoyed or agitated by you, I sincerely apologize. I do have a short fuse, but the last thing I would want is to make a young person feel bad about doing something he/she likes. We all go through what you are feeling now, and the internet is a cruel place where people forget basic things, like where people are in their life and even adults stoop to levels we shouldn’t while sitting behind the protection of our monitors and keyboards. I know I’m certainly guilty of this and as a teacher, I feel a little ashamed. All in all, I would like to see you stay around and participate in this community and I will try to work on myself as well and be more mindful of how I come across on these forums. 

nah it's fine mate :D


Mind is powerful 

Robots are programed 

Humor settings... 

Let's set that to 70%

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For the record: I've been using my nickname for Kraken knows how long, and I've said and done many things I'm not really proud of. Yet, I'm sticking with that nickname because I can't find a better one maybe to show to those who knew me back then, how much I've changed over the years.

Because, yeah, whenever I see my posts from even 7 years ago, I cringe a little bit, and sometimes even delete them, but I'm still myself.

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@Trekkie148 Insulting people based on their voice, appearance or other identical forthcomings is as sad as one can be. It's not like you had control over your evolutionary process.

I'm sure you sound appreciable. Young and silly perhaps. But not many people are young and play kerbal space program so there is that. And whatever part which sounds is what people are annoyed by I'm sure they can like you for what you have to share, not how you say it. If they really think you sound silly they should ignore you.

The fact that you can freely share this insecure matter at all in a opening post shows strength and character. And that is at your age. I'm sure any of these internet bullies would be insecure to the point where they cried to their mommy at the slightest insult or break down the house from anger if they faced a similar dilemma. I'm not saying I'm the best there is either but like yourself I'm a distance away from that behavior.

While it doesn't help the situation itself do know that they only talk crap about you from a distance. People always say anything when they're anonymous behind their monitor masking their own silly voices from the world. And together they only gossip while they play the demon and manage to not say it straight in your face.

However you may sound like, I'm sure I can handle it.

Furthermore, it doesn't matter whether you delete your account. You already posted whatever it is you posted, nothing is going to undo that. Only pay attention to the people that like what you do and who like you personally and forget anyone else.

Furthermore, some people have cute little voices. I don't have a problem with this personally although they're hard to understand sometimes. Maybe they didn't know a lot or not as much when you were a kid. To which I have to say, so what!?

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If I understand what's up I can understand if you need to start fresh. I did want to say a little thing though - For the longest time I used to think that talking to someone was annoying to them, and I doubted just about every interaction I had with other people. It took me a while to get over that fear. It turns out that the vast majority of people here are more than happy to chat, and sometimes even delighted to hear someone who takes interest in their work :) I never thought of you as annoying, in fact I thought the contrary. And also I should let you know that a lot of the s we have is simply from time and patience - when you've been around for 5+ years you tend to learn stuff along the way :D take it easy Trekkie! You'll always have a friend in me. o/

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6 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

I'm just glad there was no Internet (as it is today at least) when I was 14.

There were BBS at that time, and believe me. I did all of that myself at my time.

Growing up is a painful process. Thanks God, it's also tremendously fun - I wish I would be ashamed by what I did at that time, but then I start to laugh and the shame goes away. :D I settled up on not doing that again when I was 16 or 17 years old, and I'm fine with that.

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If you're still around and getting "donked" by the announcements, you've got a lot of folks here reaching out to you. And there are those whom I am personally familiar with - they're good people. In fact, I've only ran into a few jerks on this forum; I am active in three other forums currently. For the most part, you'll not find a collection of nicer and generally concerned about the well-being of others.

Unfortunately the "gotcha politics" of the era is hitting your generation the hardest. There's an artificial expectation of perfection from birth to adulthood - and let me tell you this: it's not based in reality. But here's the way I see it - we all say and do stupid things. None of us are perfect. We are just better at hiding the bodies. :blush: Um, we have just learned to roll with the punches. I'm almost 50 and can tell you that you'll survive this. Each day is a new beginning and a new chance to make the changes you want to make. Some days are easier than others.  I've said my share of stupid stuff and have done even more. I also teach at a local university for a living and have learned how to laugh at myself when I do make mistakes. But here's the thing, the older you get and the more mistakes you make, the more chances you have to really shine. And eventually you'll reach a point where you are comfortable in your own skin. It took me reaching 36 before I did that.

And to echo the sentiment of @Avera9eJoe, I'm hoping you decide to stick around on the forum. If you need another forum-friend, I'm here...

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@Trekkie148    While I'm no moderator, the important thing is you've realized you made a mistake. As a 3D 'artist' myself, it's not well known or realized how much work goes into bigger projects. Exporting something for different games and making it work nicely is a number of hoops to jump through in and of itself.

I too had issues being bullied around your age and, even i still sometimes have trouble understanding people on the internet (and in the real world), around 20 years later.

Keep the name if you like it. The important thing in life is to learn from our mistakes. :P

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5 hours ago, adsii1970 said:


If you're still around and getting "donked" by the announcements, you've got a lot of folks here reaching out to you. And there are those whom I am personally familiar with - they're good people. In fact, I've only ran into a few jerks on this forum; I am active in three other forums currently. For the most part, you'll not find a collection of nicer and generally concerned about the well-being of others.

Unfortunately the "gotcha politics" of the era is hitting your generation the hardest. There's an artificial expectation of perfection from birth to adulthood - and let me tell you this: it's not based in reality. But here's the way I see it - we all say and do stupid things. None of us are perfect. We are just better at hiding the bodies. :blush: Um, we have just learned to roll with the punches. I'm almost 50 and can tell you that you'll survive this. Each day is a new beginning and a new chance to make the changes you want to make. Some days are easier than others.  I've said my share of stupid stuff and have done even more. I also teach at a local university for a living and have learned how to laugh at myself when I do make mistakes. But here's the thing, the older you get and the more mistakes you make, the more chances you have to really shine. And eventually you'll reach a point where you are comfortable in your own skin. It took me reaching 36 before I did that.

And to echo the sentiment of @Avera9eJoe, I'm hoping you decide to stick around on the forum. If you need another forum-friend, I'm here...

I'd preferred to get zoinked. But yeah thanks mate!

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Hey @Trekkie148, I made a YouTube channel (mostly playing KSP) last year and got bullied IRL for it- I have a weirdly squeaky voice.

My advice to you is to get another name if you want, one that you like, and stay a while here at the forums. I've had a good experience on here over the last year, and I can only hope that the occasionally irritable members apologise to you, as a few have done to me.

Cool to see another kid on the forums, have a great day!

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On 9/17/2018 at 11:08 PM, The Aziz said:

For the record: I've been using my nickname for Kraken knows how long, and I've said and done many things I'm not really proud of. Yet, I'm sticking with that nickname because I can't find a better one maybe to show to those who knew me back then, how much I've changed over the years.

Because, yeah, whenever I see my posts from even 7 years ago, I cringe a little bit, and sometimes even delete them, but I'm still myself.

On a few different nicknames actually I've said some things on the internet i regret. Early on NFScars, and then later on Vegastrike.

Also, that is a epic signature gif. :0.0:

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@Trekkie148, If I've learned one thing, it's to not pay a great deal of attention to what others say about you. A lot of internet haters are just bored eight-year-olds looking for anything to poke fun at. Always do your best, work hard, and be understanding of others. (As much as possible) Don't let inexperience get you down. Get in there and start plugging away at learning the necessary skills. If you fail, get right back up and try again. As for your voice, God only gives us one. Use it to the best of your ability and don't be ashamed of the way it sounds. After all, it's what you use it for that really counts.

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2 hours ago, Trekkie148 said:

Hey @Snark could you please close my post please? thanks

Always happy to oblige.  (Incidentally,  if you'd like to get the attention of the moderators with any sort of request, the fastest way is generally to issue a report-- e.g. in this case you could just report your own OP with a note.)

Just to add my voice to the chorus: you've got nothing to be ashamed of,  we're all happy to have you here,  and I'm sure we'd be delighted if you choose to stick around.  ;)

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