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KSP2 Hype Train Thread

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5 minutes ago, WelshSteW said:

But, again, I guess we don't know when these were done, or what's been changed since. I still hold out hope that they're making it look rubbish so we're wowed when we actually play and visit the places. My belief in that is dwindling though. Just one shot, just one, where it looks good. Or at least, where it doesn't look rubbish. Just show us a high res KSC, and a bit of surrounding terrain and sky. That wouldn't be spoilery would it??

Eh. I don't think I'm alone in saying that they at least have a style in place, where the EVE clouds are just generic and don't fit any style.

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4 minutes ago, Bej Kerman said:

Eh. I don't think I'm alone in saying that they at least have a style in place, where the EVE clouds are just generic and don't fit any style.

If I could choose where I would fly my plane to relax, I would definitely fly it in the left image below.


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12 minutes ago, Bej Kerman said:

Eh. I don't think I'm alone in saying that they at least have a style in place, where the EVE clouds are just generic and don't fit any style.

keep the style, get the amount, sizes etc, get the eco system in


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Enough about clouds, I want to talk about that plane. Look how they've semi-smoothly merged two separate mk2 fuselage sections with the wing! Look how they can apparently toggle the afterburner on the ramjets now! It looks smooth and well-defined in a way that's hard to make in an SSTO in KSP1, especially with that kind of shape.


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Just now, obney kerman said:

Enough about clouds, I want to talk about that plane. Look how they've semi-smoothly merged two separate mk2 fuselage sections with the wing! Look how they can apparently toggle the afterburner on the ramjets now! It looks smooth and well-defined in a way that's hard to make in an SSTO in KSP1, especially with that kind of shape.


Good point. Since wings are procedural now, you can adjust the thickness at the base so it creates a smooth transition.

Also anyone else feeling kinda stupid? That fuselage/engine layout is simple yet genius.

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Just now, obney kerman said:

Enough about clouds, I want to talk about that plane. Look how they've semi-smoothly merged two separate mk2 fuselage sections with the wing! Look how they can apparently toggle the afterburner on the ramjets now! It looks smooth and well-defined in a way that's hard to make in an SSTO in KSP1, especially with that kind of shape.


cloud talk can stay, we can talk about the plane


could be the engines are spooled down, but i cannot wait to see what horrible things we can build and call it an ssto


SSTO B-2 bomber, "but can build mini space station in the bomb load"

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15 hours ago, Kalessin1 said:

BTW anybody has idea why they choose 24 February? Is this important date in history of space conquer?

Let’s see

1949 V2 WAC/Corporal active 5x speed of sound.

1969 Mariner 6 launches

1995 Corona declassified.

2011 Last launch of Discovery.


I think they just picked a date to be honest.

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31 minutes ago, Vl3d said:

Maybe that's the marketing strategy. Generating controversy and frustration first..

Dunno what you're talking about, KSP2 looks miles better than KSP1. And it shows, it's what they're showing.

22 minutes ago, Vl3d said:

If I could choose where I would fly my plane to relax, I would definitely fly it in the left image below.


Golden hour nearly on the cloud level vs middle of the day 2km above the clouds. Yeah, correct.

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20 minutes ago, Stephensan said:

could be the engines are spooled down

True, but the KSP1 ramjet doesn't have the option to switch to a non-afterburning mode, which is why even when spooled down you still get the afterburner effects. That change opens up a ton of possibility for more efficient (and realistic!) ramjet powered SSTOs.

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2 hours ago, Vl3d said:



I think you have good photo shop skills :D On a serious note you are becoming like one guy on the No man's sky tweeter complaining the devs about the clouds... He was so obsessive about it that he was commenting on every single post that Sean Murray made about the game until one big update that the devs silenced him putting better clouds in the game :D   Moral of the story... just do your thing man but I bet in the first week or so we will have mods with better clouds so lets just hope that the core game and physics are grate and we can go from there.

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Funny thing is the clouds are completely fine. Ship it. What Im really missing is the terrain scatter density from earlier tests. I hope as things come together that gets dialed back up. At least that actually affects gameplay.

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34 minutes ago, raptor30 said:

I think you have good photo shop skills :D On a serious note you are becoming like one guy on the No man's sky tweeter complaining the devs about the clouds... He was so obsessive about it that he was commenting on every single post that Sean Murray made about the game until one big update that the devs silenced him putting better clouds in the game :D   Moral of the story... just do your thing man but I bet in the first week or so we will have mods with better clouds so lets just hope that the core game and physics are grate and we can go from there.

I actually bought NMS and only played it for about 4 hours. Can't stand the high contrast colorful visuals. But I just wanted to support the devs and show my appreciation for their efforts in saving the game and delivering a great product.

I know that the KSP devs are trustworthy and I'm their side. But I don't see many people except modders (through their work) pushing for what this game can be. The standards most players expect from KSP are not good enough. "It's alright" is not good enough.

This is one of the most influential games among intelligent and science focused people in the world, it has huge impact and potential. It has to shine like a beacon in the warp, like a candle in the dark.

16 minutes ago, Pthigrivi said:

Funny thing is the clouds are completely fine.

No they're not. Their technical implementation does not look right. They look like a performance compromise. They look like a white terrain layer with fixed values for transparency depending on peak height. They're flat underneath and look like mountains from above. There's no layering. Just no.

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36 minutes ago, Vl3d said:

They look like a performance compromise.

That's the difference between games and mods.

A mod doesn't have a target audience, performance testing or minimum requirement to be playable at, the developer doesn't have to care about performance at all as long as it works on their PC.


Whatever cloud system we end up getting as stock it is going to be a performance compromise, that's how graphics in games works.

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55 minutes ago, Vl3d said:

I know that the KSP devs are trustworthy and I'm their side. But I don't see many people except modders (through their work) pushing for what this game can be. The standards most players expect from KSP are not good enough. "It's alright" is not good enough.

This is one of the most influential games among intelligent and science focused people in the world, it has huge impact and potential. It has to shine like a beacon in the warp, like a candle in the dark.

The first game was "influential" and did not have clouds. I assume a lot of people didn't install mods and enjoyed it anyway.

Saying that the clouds are "not good enough" in a peremptory way does not mean anything. They are not a central gameplay element, they were not presented as a major feature of the game like a flying  simulation à la MFS2020, they are just eye candy.

When you say that the standards most players expect are not good enough, does that mean I'm not a true KSP fan if I like the style they are going for? Not everyone wants to have a photorealistic looking game. Simplified does not mean it's bad. What you expect from a dream game won't always align with what the developer is going for, and it's not always feasible. If you are this disappointed and vocal about such a minor feature, you are setting yourself up for disappointment in the coming months.

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12 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

This will never be a MMORPG with RDR2 level atmospheric rendering.  It is Kay Ess Pee Too! 

Why not? /s?

But seriously, the devs decided on an art style. It looks like they went with cartoon-meets-realism to reach a wider CPU/GPU audience. 

For those of us who prefer the uber-modded KSP1 scene, it looks like the decision has been made and we'll have to beg the KSP1 modders to pay some love to KSP2 to get that noncartoony-realism fix we crave.

It is what it is.

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Just now, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Because not sarcasm. 

It. Will. NEVER. Be. A. MMORPG. 

? I don't want it to be.

But I'm literally not understanding why so many people are upset about others wanting better graphics. 

Graphics don't make the game, but they can make it better. People were hoping for "WOW" and got "ok, these are perfectly servicable graphics, what really matters is the gameplay,  and besides, all of my favorite games have serviceable graphics..."

The real question is, would anybody here be disappointed of they pulled a fast one on us and it ended up looking like a major publisher put out a AAA title released in 2023?

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This thread has gone grievously off course.

This is not the Gripe Train thread.
If you have complaints about how the marketing for the game is being handled or how graphical elements look in promotional materials, go find or create a thread to post about that.  This is not the place.

This is not the Snipe Train thread.
There is no place on this forum for bickering, personal remarks, or animosity.  Certainly not in this thread.

This thread is for expressing hope and excitement about KSP2.

If you have other things to discuss or other sentiments to share please do so in other threads.

Thank you for your understanding,
KSP Forum Moderation Team

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