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What/who introduced you into Ksp?

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In this topic you can tell the story about what introduced you into the well known KSP

For me it was jacksepticeye: It was around 2019, I just saw he had turbo dismount vids and mentioned autocraft, then in autocraft he mentioned Kerbal Space program. And finally, in April 2021, my dad bought me ksp

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kurtjmac. Specifically, this video:

I originally watched his channel for his Minecraft Far Lands or Bust series, but when I started watching his KSP series, I was totally hooked. I've never been able to shake the addiction, and frankly, I don't want to :P

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KSP popped up on my Steam discovery list a few years ago. It looked interesting, but I had just moved house (so had no money) and had a terrible laptop as my only PC. Later on I found it again when it was on sale and I had a proper PC to run it, so I bought it and haven’t looked back. Got the DLCs too when they were on sale, both worth the money IMO.

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I do a space sim search every so often and never even took KSP seriously because it seemed "cartoonish" to my eyes. I am skeptical of 'paid to say it's great' articles. After the umpteenth time seeing it I took the plunge and am glad to say it wasn't just hype. The one time I wished I had trusted people sooner.


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Flash back to July 2013. KSP 0.21 had just arrived on Steam. I was bored and decided to see if there were any space sims on Steam about running your own space program. Had some (still do) vague memory of a similar type game from a few years prior. Tripped over KSP on Steams store. Decided they 5-10$ it was offered at was worth the gamble. Joined the forums not too much later and here we are today!


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Wikipedia :/

Back in 2016. I was reading Orbiter's Wiki page and at the bottom it mentioned KSP as a similar game. I bought it but my PC at the time was not powerful enough to run the game properly. I still managed to launch my first rocket without killing anyone lol

Now I'm playing the Xbox One version.

Edited by Timber Micka
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Matt Lowne and TheBeardy Penguin(been watching for a looooong time)

I watched their stuff for years, before I finally got the go-ahead to buy Kerbal....loved every second of it. 

Edited by Lewie
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I cant remember where i heard about it, but it was most likely youtube, i remember doing extensive research into it making sure i knew the controls werent so complicated

Then on july 21st, 2019 i got the money for KSP and 1 DLC, and the rest is history

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Back in 2013, a combination of my kids (grown up and moved out - well moved out at least)  telling me I'd like it, and a couple of work colleages talking about it.  I resisted, knowing I woukd probably like it get hooked, and spend too much tine on it.  Then I gave in and tried the demo, liked it, got hooked, spent too much time on it, soI bought the full version a week or so later.

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Byfar my number 1 inspiration (and arguably the video series i saw that got me into this game), Macey Dean.  Its to this day my favorite KSP series anyone has ever made, despite the fact that the ships were all fodder (i still have replicas from this series somewhere in one of my games, and they are instakilled by the weakest weaponry out there).  Best part was the fact that the Spiritwolf series combined interesting darkish story with a balance of combat and behind the scenes stuff, unlike some of the later military focused series i remember from days after), and was 100% stock including no hyperediting ships around (the fact that Macey managed to get these things into orbit in the old souposphere, without 3.75m parts, fairings, or all the things we take for granted these days is impressive to say the least, and even did repairs on the carrier in one episode before claws even existed let alone the current repair feature they added in 1.11).

And this is my 2nd main inspiration i found sometime after i started playing the game.  Its what got me into SSTOs which was what i used to focus alot on early in my KSP life (when i wasnt making massive warships):

So yeah, those are my 2 major inspirations i remember from the good old days and i even keep 0.90 around when i feel like reliving the glory days of airhogging.  I dont care how unrealistic it was, getting a 200km apoapsis on jets alone was fun, and the aero back then allowed you to make viable dropships that didnt look stupid due to aero limits (not that the more realistic planes look bad, its just not my asthetic style at all, give me my flying glowy space brick over a sleek plane any day).

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I heard about it from a coworker and downloaded the demo. Not sure what version that was, but you could only go to the Mun. I played with it a bit and then forgot about it until a few years later when I saw something about it on a gaming site. That was version 1.3. I gave it another go, and here we are.

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