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hi, can we all cool down just a little? genuinely?


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Just to throw in my perspective, I actually disagree that there even is a significant group of people who've made it their personal agenda to ensure the game fails. I can't think of a single person who wouldn't be happy to see their problems with the game and its development finally addressed and to see the have finally becoming what we've all hoped for.

Even the people who've most vehemently criticized things, have never struck me as being of the stance that NOTHING could happen to change their minds. It's just that the things that would need to happen for that are not seeming like they may happen at all.

Edited by Stoup
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11 minutes ago, Stoup said:

Even the people who've most vehemently criticized things, have never struck me as being of the stance that NOTHING could happen to change their minds. It's just that the things that would need to happen for that are not seeming like they may happen at all.

I think there may be one or two who would convince themselves that it’s a disaster no matter what. For the rest, I think most will come around if the game improves and the roadmap updates deliver.

However, I don’t think there’s anything that IG/PD can say that will make the least bit of difference until then: if it’s bad news they’ll say TOLD YOU SO, if it’s good news they’ll say LIES and if it’s neither they’ll say WHY AREN’T THEY TELLING US ANYTHING.

Edited by Periple
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20 minutes ago, Stoup said:

I can't think of a single person who wouldn't be happy to see their problems with the game and its development finally addressed and to see the have finally becoming what we've all hoped for.

It flatters you that you can't think of any reason. If you're not young of age, you're young of mind!

Do not discount the “If I can't have it, no one should have it either” mentality. Yes, it's toxic and immature but there's living proof of throngs of that mentality here on the forum. Reasons people feel they can't have game are:

  • They're upset T2 charges full price and that it's not a free upgrade from the 0.18 game they paid $10 for
  • They're upset it doesn't run on their 25 MJz 386SX with Hercules graphics card because KSP1 ran on a potato
  • They're upset the game doesn't offer multi-player out of the box
  • Etc

It's not really that they are physically incapable of acquiring the game (aside from unrealistic expectations that you should be able to run it on a laptop provided by high school), but for whatever reason the game is not up to thir standards. And that's fine... except when that turns into “and since I'm not playing it, no one else should” and yes we have these people.

18 minutes ago, Periple said:

However, I don’t think there’s anything that IG/PD can say that will make the least bit of difference until then: if it’s bad news they’ll say TOLD YOU SO, if it’s good news they’ll say LIES and if it’s neither they’ll say WHY AREN’T THEY TELLING US ANYTHING.

Well let's be honest, Intercept Games have painted themselves in a very, very difficult corner regarding their communication. Consistent over-promising, under-delivering and claiming the game is in a fantastic shape when it's a god awful pile of dog bowel batter. The only good thing that can be said about the current communication is that it finally matches what they produce: very modest, underwhelming and infrequent. And that sad thing is that this is progress.

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@LittleBitMore Great post. There has been too much animosity on the forums since KSP 2's release. From both sides.

From my perspective, I am very unhappy with the state of things with the game. I tried to get a refund but left it too long as I had trust that the devs would go all out to fix the problems. That trust ran out months ago. I gave up at 0.1.2 and haven't played since a 30 minute test of 0.1.3. I went back to KSP1 and am having a blast with a career play through. I've pretty much stopped posting here, though I am keeping an eye on things. I've said my piece and nothing has changed so I don't feel the need to continue. My feeling toward KSP2 has turned to apathy, and that is not likely to change any time soon. I've pretty much checked out and am more interested now in KSP1 and what Cities Skylines 2 will have to offer.

The division we see in the community cannot be fixed by the community. All we can do is try to be tollerant of differing opinions, but even I've found that hard with some of the insults and personal attacks being thrown around. I've had to stop myself several times from responding, and now rarely bother engaging at all.

It's up to the devs to fix, or at least limit the division by fixing the game. The way I see it is there are 3 major problems with the game. Performance, bugs, and lack of content. I think everyone has a concern about at least one of these and we all have our opinions on which should be fixed first. For me it's bugs as I have a solid rig and wouldn't enjoy more content until the bugs are fixed. At the same time I can understand why others might have a different opinion and I don't feel the need to throw insults if their opinion is different to mine.

I place the blame for the game releasing when it did at the feet of T2 (they had told investors it would release that financial year). At the same time, how much longer were T2 expected to wait for the devs? We've seen how painfully slow development has been over the last 6 months, T2's patience must have been wearing thin.

I doubt T2, IG and PD care about my opinion, they already have my money. Is that my fault? Partly, for sure, I shouldn't have bought the game day 1. But that doesn't excuse the state the game was in, and continues to be in 6 months later. I won't be buying from any of them in future.

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The way I see it, I ask myself this question: if even this first early release of KSP2 lived up to what IG wanted people to expect of it, would these people still be wishing all the negative things they do? And I still find that I think they would. Call it naivety if you will  :/

The point that I want to make sure gets across is that any pursuit of the argument of black vs white is going to end badly and non-constructively, so I'd love to see things steered away from indulgence in drama 

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12 hours ago, Periple said:

I think some of the angriest people have checked out and I think that’s a good thing! They’ll be back for the roadmap updates and if they’re good some of them might even come around.

(Although some won’t — there are people here who are personally invested in the game failing, there’s no way to make them happy and no point talking to them. Of course they’re also the ones complaining most loudly about being ignored and least likely to just let it be and do something fulfilling with their lives.)

I don't have anyone ignored and I do think the mood is at least more productive. Not that folks who are legitimately upset are no longer annoyed and worried, it just seems like the nature of the complaints are less repetitive and more "These bugs are still killing my experience and need to get fixed" or "I don't personally like these design decisions around heat, fairings, etc." 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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On 9/16/2023 at 5:51 PM, Periple said:

However, I don’t think there’s anything that IG/PD can say that will make the least bit of difference until then: if it’s bad news they’ll say TOLD YOU SO, if it’s good news they’ll say LIES and if it’s neither they’ll say WHY AREN’T THEY TELLING US ANYTHING.

I agree with the first part mainly because IG/PD has to deliver everything in the most positive way positive for them, since the team has a vested interest in success and the game is (in the public's eyes at least) in a bad shape. For that reason, I am not interest personally in communication like "velocity is good" or "morale remains high" or "the publisher is really committed", but details about how features will work are always welcome. I think some skepticism about good news is warranted at the point, since the team overpromised in the past.  Jumping to calling them liars would definitely be too much, at least without evidence arguments.

But in the end I think at this point people aren't waiting so much for news, but for actual progress and features. Releasing a buggy KSP 2 without substantial new features/gameplay goals than KSP 1 was a huge mistake. KSP 1 may have been buggy at the start, but it could easily be forgiven since it offered something new.  Had we gotten the same bugs but with colonies then the reception would have been more positive. The issue is of course is that there is room for a lot skepticism about how far along those features actually are, with people either assuming they haven't started or that they are almost finished implementing them in a separate branch. As always it'll be somewhere in between but the last post by Nertea (e.g. supply routes) seemed to indicate to me that there's a lot of design work yet to do, let alone implementation.

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On 6/14/2023 at 3:28 PM, Dakota said:

On Respect...

...Some of you have a deep connection with this franchise. A deep connection. I mean you're here actively participating on the official KSP forums, right? And at the same time, many of you feel cheated, lied to, disappointed, and many other negative emotions towards our team after the wildly anticipated release of KSP2....

...It comes down to respect, I think. At its core, a portion of the community feels disrespected by the development team after investing their time (and potentially money) into KSP2. ...

...Trust is an easy thing to break and it's often incredibly difficult to build back up that relationship to it's original state. For those people, we're doing our best to build up that trust again. There's always the possibility that sometimes we have to share bad news, but our goal is for the good news to always outweigh the bad. My hope is that, in the future, you can look back on these past few months and see how much progress we've made towards changing your mind.



@Dakota In keeping with the theme of respect, I am politely asking you or anyone on the team exactly what I am supposed to be looking back on since August 14th with respect to "how much progress [you've] made" towards changing my mind? It's been seven months to the date since the EA launch, and here we are, begging for anything substantive regarding the first and next milestone, science (I'm going to repeat that a lot).

From my perspective, and maybe I've just missed something big since August, all I have personally observed is a short video of re-entry effects in the game editor, a few graphics of the same science parts we have in KSP1, and a cute graphic showing a mocked-up KSC MCR in relation to science missions. Nertea's AMA's are decidedly dodgy on providing any actual answers to the very next milestone's (science)  features. I won't even touch on any other milestones for the EA roadmap. Just, simply, the very next and first milestone after EA launch; science.


@Nertea's AMA was, again, mum on the subject of science. Glad science is cool, I would like to take your word for it, but I don't see these dev blogs, and I don't see anything actually shared on the gameplay mechanics of the very next and first milestone.

On 9/8/2023 at 11:59 AM, Nertea said:

Answers to some questions we had to skip over during the AMA but I still wanted to get to:

Infinite Aerospace

Are you able to tell us 'something' about science and career modes, there's been an alarming lack of any real information regarding the two.

Well! Science mode is cool. It is designed to be a progression-based mode that takes the aspects of KSP1’s Science mode that we like and build upon them to create a solid progression experience that has higher level of agency and approachability. You can expect the return of the experiment loop, with changes, and the inclusion of a very different mission paradigm from Career.

One of the fiddlier aspects of the last few months has been taking our full set of concepts from KSP2 1.0 and figuring out how they break down into the early access structure.

Delving deeper, what can we expect from science mode, is it the same ‘click and reward’ setup as KSP1 or are you going for a ‘science over time’ sorta approach more akin to Kerbalism?

The system as designed is independent from things like Kerbalism, but you could say there’s some concepts that aren’t dissimilar in there. It has been a while since I have played with that mod tough. We definitely want to get to more player agency in science. Instead of it effectively being mandatory to hide 4 tiny science experiments on every craft you send anywhere, we want you to make a more informed decision about what you take with you, and make the actions you take a bit more specific too.

 I should write a little dev blog on this.

What sort of part numbers are we looking at, is there going to be the same sorta number of experiments as KSP1, or significantly more? What does that entail, are the experiments something more dynamic this time, looking at things like NASA’s GRACE mission for example?

I should definitely write a little dev blog on this. Similar number, more impactful.



@RayneCloud recently posted this. So again, we're right back to the issue of communication. 

On 9/14/2023 at 7:52 AM, RayneCloud said:

Gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed at the moment at the near radio silence, or the complete lack of communication. The dev chats are fun and all, but where are the weekly posts from Nate? Why are we back to having to look at Discord and getting nothing here? Can we have something please? About 1.5? Or am I just not seeing the communication that was promised? Can we have something please?


My question is, why is your team just not providing any proper glimpse into the science milestone? What is the hold-up here? You clearly want to do AMA's and (in the past) dev blogs showing updates and things to come (as lacking as they are), so you're not afraid to show us the stuff you're working on under the hood, but you just barely show us, you give a hint of a hint of the taste of lime. If it's upper management, that would make sense, and I wouldn't expect you to say that publically, but I can't imagine @Nate Simpson himself or the community management team thinks it makes the best business sense at this stage of community frustration to just keep us well in the dark until the 11th hour about what is truly to come with the very first and next milestone; science. You are in EA development and would be happy to take the journey with you, so let us take it with you! Instead, you give us information like a broken coffee machine that percolates at one drip a month, and we can't even sip a full cup of coffee to smell the aroma, get a true taste, and enjoy the experience until six or 12 months pass?

I know development is a long Journey, and I think I can safely speak for a majority that we're all still here with the hope of playing what we all want this game to be, but I think I can also safely say that a lot of us are getting really fed up with the complete lack of real features shown on literally the next and first milestone since 7 months ago's EA launch of this game. Maybe it is just me. But there you have it.


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On 9/16/2023 at 11:51 AM, Periple said:

However, I don’t think there’s anything that IG/PD can say that will make the least bit of difference until then: if it’s bad news they’ll say TOLD YOU SO, if it’s good news they’ll say LIES and if it’s neither they’ll say WHY AREN’T THEY TELLING US ANYTHING.

I don’t think anyone would accuse them of lying about good news if, alongside the good news, there came any evidence that the good news was true!

Would you like me to list all of the pieces of “good news” that have been false, again?

This is why I think dev gameplay of new features and internal builds would be so positive.

Can you give any examples where people have accused the dev team of lying, when the respective statement was true?

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3 hours ago, VlonaldKerman said:

This is why I think dev gameplay of new features and internal builds would be so positive.

They would be either rough (THE INCOMPETENT FOOLS!) or edited not to look rough (THE LIARS!). Either way you lose.

3 hours ago, VlonaldKerman said:

Can you give any examples where people have accused the dev team of lying, when the respective statement was true?

I remember them posting a screenshot from a multiplayer session and people here accusing them of faking it and demanding video evidence instead.

Of course the easy counter to this is YOU CAN’T PROVE IT WASN’T FAKE because obviously I can’t… but then you couldn’t prove a video they posted wasn’t fake either. Gameplay videos are really easy to fake if you want to!

As I said above, I think the only evidence that could move the needle in the right direction is solid gameplay more or less as previously described. Until then, anything they say will only make things worse. It will get picked apart in the most negative possible light, like the reception to the update on the heating system (DUMBED DOWN! UNACCEPTABLE!), or just rejected outright as lies (see: multiple statements about multiplayer with an accompanying screenshot, multiple statements about no microtransactions).

If they say nothing, you will seethe. If they do say something, you will seethe even more. So why say anything? Where’s the upside? Just keep your nose to the grindstone and make a great game, the community will come around.

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I am reminded of 2 things that happened during KSP1.

First, they announced that they were going to have Kerbal Experience affect things like ISP, which makes sense from an RPG perspective but KSP isn't really an RPG so it's understandable to not like it, but "the community" went above and beyond not liking it. The uproar over it was akin to a revolution. I really think people would have stopped playing if it had ever happened.  There were warnings that next we'd be equipping Jeb with "Boots of ISP" or "The Ancient Space Helmet Of Landing" or something. Squad changed their minds because of this and ended up putting a different Kerbal XP system in the game which is fine I guess.

Second, years later, they worked in silence on a feature we didn't even know was coming. And then one day, that feature dropped, with no warning or explanation. That feature was Ground Based Experiments. Cool! New things to do! We have a reason to send Kerbals somewhere and - even better -reasons to send DIFFERENT TYPES of Kerbals somewhere! Because as we all know engineers placing power generators makes them generate more power, and an experienced engineer can make it generate a LOT more power. Similarly, experienced scientists can cause an experiment to generate more science over time! Also, no more worrying about electric charge. One solar panel can power 1 thing. Unless an engineer does it then it's 2 things. A good engineer can power 3 things with 1 solar panel.

To the best of my knowledge, no one has complained about how ridiculously unrealistic this is. How exactly does Bill get 3 times more power out of a solar panel? And why does that solar panel produce the same power on Eeloo that it does on Moho?

Imagine if they had announced that first. With no ability to play with it and realize that - in fact - it didn't matter one bit how reasonable or realistic it was because the system generated interesting gameplay options which is what we actually wanted all along, people would have FREAKED OUT. Boots of ISP? What about Gloves of Solar Attenuation?

Anyway, I'm continuously surprised that the developers keep trying to talk to us even though every time they do someone slaps them across the face. I'm no longer surprised, though, when they do get slapped across the face.

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It’s still unclear, is this project closed or is they doing something? I’ve played a lot of games in early access. And much more difficult than this one. And this is the first time I’ve encountered such silence and indifference. And this is almost a year since the game was released. I wonder about the developers themselves Isn’t it a shame that the majority of those who bought this imperfection think of the developers as scammers?

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8 hours ago, Superfluous J said:

I am reminded of 2 things that happened during KSP1.

First, they announced that they were going to have Kerbal Experience affect things like ISP, which makes sense from an RPG perspective but KSP isn't really an RPG so it's understandable to not like it, but "the community" went above and beyond not liking it. The uproar over it was akin to a revolution. I really think people would have stopped playing if it had ever happened.  There were warnings that next we'd be equipping Jeb with "Boots of ISP" or "The Ancient Space Helmet Of Landing" or something. Squad changed their minds because of this and ended up putting a different Kerbal XP system in the game which is fine I guess.

Second, years later, they worked in silence on a feature we didn't even know was coming. And then one day, that feature dropped, with no warning or explanation. That feature was Ground Based Experiments. Cool! New things to do! We have a reason to send Kerbals somewhere and - even better -reasons to send DIFFERENT TYPES of Kerbals somewhere! Because as we all know engineers placing power generators makes them generate more power, and an experienced engineer can make it generate a LOT more power. Similarly, experienced scientists can cause an experiment to generate more science over time! Also, no more worrying about electric charge. One solar panel can power 1 thing. Unless an engineer does it then it's 2 things. A good engineer can power 3 things with 1 solar panel.

To the best of my knowledge, no one has complained about how ridiculously unrealistic this is. How exactly does Bill get 3 times more power out of a solar panel? And why does that solar panel produce the same power on Eeloo that it does on Moho?

Imagine if they had announced that first. With no ability to play with it and realize that - in fact - it didn't matter one bit how reasonable or realistic it was because the system generated interesting gameplay options which is what we actually wanted all along, people would have FREAKED OUT. Boots of ISP? What about Gloves of Solar Attenuation?

Anyway, I'm continuously surprised that the developers keep trying to talk to us even though every time they do someone slaps them across the face. I'm no longer surprised, though, that they're getting slapped across the face.

Not talking about you or anyone in specific, but in general aspects. The basic thing is that I just can't understand people dedicated to KSP2 hating . From what I see, the two types of hating/criticizing is the most popular among people in the Forums, Reddit and Discord:

1. Bug reports, posts to point out problems related to KSP2 and possible ways to improve the game. For me, this is called constructive criticizing, which is to provide feedbacks and to give suggestions. I believe that most people from this group are not the "haters", they are just people who want the game to be better and/or unsatisfied by its current state. It is the type of "hating" that may actually help the game's development, if I say.

2. Player count posts, bots. digging track records, pointless assumptions and personal attacking. Yes, this is now becoming a common sight recently. People who do this type of  "hating" might actually hate KSP2 and have a lot of time to spare. Instead of making constructive criticizing, they are posting toxic comment no matter the status of the game and like to repeat the same thing over and over and over again. From my observations, they are the true type of "haters" and does no help to the community, if not making it worse.

Why? I'm not white knighting the game and I do acknowledge the many downsides. I just can’t understand the second type of "haters" because they do no help and are purely wasting their time doing nothing meaningful. To me, they are wasting their time hating KSP2-related things and get nothing meaningful in return.

Edited by Alpha_star
Less hate to the haters. I don’t want to be a hater myself.
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9 hours ago, Periple said:

remember them posting a screenshot from a multiplayer session and people here accusing them of faking it and demanding video evidence instead.

Fair example. Though, I think it is pretty much the only one. And to this point- I actually saw a video of someone who modded multiplayer crudely into the game… so at this point I’ve seen more footage of player-made multiplayer functioning than dev made…

9 hours ago, Periple said:

As I said above, I think the only evidence that could move the needle in the right direction is solid gameplay more or less as previously described.

I suppose I agree. This relates to a common pattern that I’ve noticed whereby a substance problem is misconstrued as a communication problem. KSP 2 has a SUBSTANCE problem, as you’ve alluded to, and the only thing that would solve that is SUBSTANCE, not STYLE. I suppose we just disagree on the extent to which style can mitigate community ill-will.

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9 hours ago, Alpha_star said:

I just can’t understand the second type of "haters"

I'll give credit where credit is due. Many "haters of the second kind" actually opened up communications a bit. Just a bit. It is clear to me now that dev/company don't intend to communicate new stuff until few days before release of the next version. I'd still prefer to have a short article once a week what is planned/scrubbed for the next release. That shouldn't take much time. Maybe two articles... Or hire an  additional employee to report daily progress... and be available 24/7... on chat ... Oh, who am I kidding? Install surveillance cameras everywhere!!! Yes, even in the restrooms too!

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On 9/27/2023 at 4:14 AM, Superfluous J said:

How exactly does Bill get 3 times more power out of a solar panel?

AFAIK, Bill has been advised by his lawyer not to say anything about the matter.

Back to what @Superfluous J said in his posts, what most people want out of KSP is a simple space simulator.  As people play the game, they learn more about real astronautics and rocketry.  And they know better Isp comes from propellant choices and engine design, not some silly RPG MacGuffin.  So they want the game to do things like that.

Many of those late game systems I've never really played with, but I went over them a few years ago.  They are rather silly and gamey and not in a good way.  We would expect better for KSP 2.  Though it seems some of the basics are being difficult enough.  Per ardua ad astra.

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On 9/27/2023 at 7:14 AM, Superfluous J said:

How exactly does Bill get 3 times more power out of a solar panel?

Washes it, and makes better fuses out of nails.

Knows the proper places to kick.

Uses a screwdriver to shorten the circuit break.

Puts a coat to keep the heat, or ice from the fridge to cool.

Has switched off every second safety device, because brakes are for cowards.




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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/12/2023 at 4:08 AM, LittleBitMore said:

TL;DR: Lads, lasses, everyone in between, can we for the love of heck cool down a little about the state of KSP2, and just wait a little?

Old fart here, I think it's about 20 years since someone could call me "lad" without a smirk. :sticktongue: But I'm willing to give you my 16 cents (0.02USD corrected by the inflation of the period!! :sticktongue:):

The problem is not who is "talking", but who is "listening". Words are like poison - you need to ingest it to be affected by it.

Whatever is happening around, it's happening by many, many different reasons - and very few of them are edifying.

There're a lot of disgruntled franchise fans, no doubt - and everybody passes trough the 5 stages of acceptance (or grief) at their own pace - but this pace can be manhandled by 3rd parties to achieve some goal, and this is exactly what I think it's happening.

The Game Industry is on a terrible disarray, and things are not going to get better in the near future - and I'm betting some snacks that a lot of people are promoting this drama as a way to try to push away the public attention from the real problems and, so, save their face and even their job. And there're also the ones that are actively working on an attempt to… humm… how to say… "hijack" perhaps? the attention of the public trying to get themselves a job that currently is secured by someone else.

"Farinha pouca, meu pirão primeiro" - as it's said in Brazil (and, yeah, the successive economical crisis on my country made me an expert on this area).

So, nope. This is not going to stop - money talks, and empty pockets hurt. Noisy combination.

Really, the only way to push back this drama is by not listening to it. Let them talk to themselves, without audience, and the problem will be solved by itself. Remember what I said above: the most letal of the poisons is harmless if you decided not to ingest it.

Whoever is spreading drama and smear, just ignore. Don't react, don't follow, don't like neither dislike and, most of all, do not spread it yourself. Just walk from them - and the problem will just vanish in the thin air.



Edited by Lisias
Entertaining grammas made slightly less entertaining.
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  • 2 months later...
  • KSP2 Alumni
On 6/14/2023 at 2:28 PM, Dakota said:

Trust is an easy thing to break and it's often incredibly difficult to build back up that relationship to its original state. For those people, we're doing our best to build up that trust again. There's always the possibility that sometimes we have to share bad news, but our goal is for the good news to always outweigh the bad. My hope is that, in the future, you can look back on these past few months and see how much progress we've made towards changing your mind.

Just wanted to take a second to thank this community for sticking with us through the past year. I remember going back-and-forth about how I wanted to respond to this thread (if at all) but I'm really proud of what I committed us to back in June.

I hope - with the release of For Science! and the significant changes to our communication style - we have made progress towards changing your mind about the future of KSP2. Moving into 2024, I hope we continue towards that ultimate goal of repairing that trust.

There's still work to do - in-game and out - but we're ready for it.

Thank you again :purpleheart:

sorry for necro'ing a thread last replied-to in October, mods. 

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4 minutes ago, Dakota said:

I hope we continue towards that ultimate goal of repairing that trust.

People get pretty whipped-up about this game, but I hope that was never interpreted as a lack of trust in you, the people of Intercept Games.

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Take Two Interactive, Private Division, and Intercept Games made the bed they're laying in. The $50 price tag set expectations for quality which were not at all met at the time of release. They disappointed their user base to the point it is going to take a No Man's Sky level of effort to get them back.

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