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Bug Status [10/23]

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  • KSP2 Alumni


Hey everyone and welcome back to the K.E.R.B!

Oh boy, do we have some stuff to share today! First-off, if you haven't heard the news, infamous bug reporter @Anth has joined the KSP Team! Anth will be taking on a good portion of the responsibility of the K.E.R.B. moving forward, so we're super excited to have him. The K.E.R.B. is always a group effort and we always try to do it last minute to get you all the latest news, and we expect bringing Anth closer to the process will help us get these out faster and more on-time.

Did you hear that we announced our first major Milestone release, For Science!? Included in the many new features coming in that update, we announced that there will be some significant improvements to K.E.R.B.'s #1 - Wobbly Rockets, with a new enhanced joint system that drastically reduces vehicle flexing by adding supplementary joints in a similar way to KSP1's autostrut. Here's a video of the comparison with v0.1.4.0, let us know if you can see the difference:

As a major change to the K.E.R.B., we are going to start removing entries to the K.E.R.B. that require fundamental feature overhauls to be "fixed" in the community's eyes, such as Surface Rendering Fragment Shaders are Inefficient and KSP2 is Calculating the Physics of all Parts of all Crafts. We see these as MAJOR issues to features, as you do, but we also understand the scope of what it would take to get these resolved. We really want the K.E.R.B. to be focused on issues that exist patch-to-patch instead of milestone-to-milestone. That doesn't mean that you can't expect major feature overhauls in-between milestones, though. We just want the K.E.R.B.'s list to continuously be changing and highlighting the community's most important issues that can immediately be addressed.

However, we still have these issues on our internal lists, so when progress is made, we will keep you all updated. For example, we just started tested a potential short-term fix to the Calculating Physics issue we linked above.  For context, here's some extra information on this issue from @Nertea.This change will only allow resources to update on the active vessel, vessels in physics range or when engines are burning. We feel pretty good about this as a short-term solution, and we expect some pretty significant performance increases from this change. We still need to do a lot of testing and see if there's been any butterfly effects caused by this change. Our goal is to have this short-term fix release with For Science!

If you have any feedback on this change or anything else with the K.E.R.B., please let us know. With Anth's addition to the team, we are going to take a long look at this system and figure out what changes we can make to streamline the process and keep you all up-to-date on our development progress.

One more thing, we need a bit of help! K.E.R.B. #4 - No trajectory lines in map view, we're having some trouble reproducing this issue! If you have experienced this issue, we'd appreciate it if you'd be willing to share some details in the thread. Anth will be keeping a close eye on this one, so make sure to include as much information about the steps you made.

Until next time,

KSP Team (now featuring ANTH!)

Current Top Issues: 

# Bug Status
1 Wobbly Rockets Implemented fix and configurable settings options. Needs thorough testing, targeted for For Science! milestone
2 Camera Resets Position Map View Partially fixed. Remaining issues will require some refactor on the camera system
3 Phantom forces when deploying landing legs/gear Partially covered by one but needs further investigation. Different bug than we originally thought
4 No trajectory lines in map view See above
5 Moving a radially attached part with a strut on it, break the game Two separate issues, one with struts, one with symmetry. Investigating
6 Active Vessel Pulls Craft Close when in Timewarp Original bug fixed, but found new reproduction related to docking/undocking. Investigating
7 Surface Collision not even with Terrain Mesh Reproducible, working on fix
8 Part Menu Advanced Text Getting Bigger/Smaller Fix implemented and verified
9 Timewarp under Acceleration stops Engaging Properly after a certain amount of years have passed Fix being tested. Targeted for 0.2
10 Reloading a save and switching vessels retracts the LV-2000 Trumpets nozzle Fix implemented and verified
11 Acceleration During Time Warp Doesn’t Work at Times Investigating
12 Inconsistent Framerate During Launch Performance improvements in v0.1.5 may address. Will require retesting.
13 Engine Plate Fairing Respawns after load or switching vessels Reproducible
14 Elliptical Solar Orbits Cause Timewarp Under Acceleration to Stop Producing Thrust Fix being tested. Targeted for 0.2
15 Control Surface Oscillation in Atmosphere Complex issue, more details to come
16 Cannot create/edit a maneuver node when game is paused Complex issue, more details to come
17 SAS does not hold orientation during time warp Complex issue, more details to come

Struts: ctrl+z in the VAB renders struts/fuel lines invisible, visual bug

Reproducible and scheduled
19 Timewarp is Distorting Planets Visually when Seen from a Tidally Locked Moon Reproducible
20 Mirrored airbrakes not deploying correctly Fix implemented and verified

Note: this report is not fully representative of the work our team is focused on. This is just to provide insight into our progress on the most concerning issues to our community. Additionally, the lack of a status update does not imply a lack of importance or general progress - we just do not have anything to share at this time.

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25 minutes ago, Intercept Games said:

As a major change to the K.E.R.B., we are going to start removing entries to the K.E.R.B. that require fundamental feature overhauls to be "fixed" in the community's eyes, such as Surface Rendering Fragment Shaders are Inefficient and KSP2 is Calculating the Physics of all Parts of all Crafts. We see these as MAJOR issues to features, as you do, but we also understand the scope of what it would take to get these resolved. We really want the K.E.R.B. to be focused on issues that exist patch-to-patch instead of milestone-to-milestone. That doesn't mean that you can't expect major feature overhauls in-between milestones, though. We just want the K.E.R.B.'s list to continuously be changing and highlighting the community's most important issues that can immediately be addressed.

I doubt you could have made a worse decision than this.  Removing things that are not fixed will lead to the community wondering what is happening, as well as feed into the concern that you aren't communicating with the community.  We want more information, not less.  This gives us less.

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  • KSP2 Alumni
Just now, Scarecrow71 said:

I doubt you could have made a worse decision than this.  Removing things that are not fixed will lead to the community wondering what is happening, as well as feed into the concern that you aren't communicating with the community.  We want more information, not less.  This gives us less.

The follow-up paragraph addresses this. Major features that need to be rehauled will continue to be prioritized when it comes to communication.

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i see that there is new stuff coming out and i am very happy  but i like to ask something if you can answer this for us.

with Science  coming out.  is there going to be new stuff like  boosters and things we can add to or rockets.  something that we can have fun with science.   and well science open up mining.   having a mining drill to dig and get stuff for science that well open up a window for new metals and better parts.   


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Just now, Dakota said:

The follow-up paragraph addresses this. Major features that need to be rehauled will continue to be prioritized when it comes to communication.

Prioritized <> communicated.  Leaving these out will lead to questions, which will bring doubt back into the community about the communication style.  Again, we want more communication, not less.

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Something I really like in this particular KERB is the attention given to referencing a lot of smaller bits of info you guys have spread out over the past couple weeks. I am glad to see something resembling centralization of info for us, as one of the longest-running gripes that many still have is that information is still very scattershot in where it appears!

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18 minutes ago, Dakota said:

The follow-up paragraph addresses this. Major features that need to be rehauled will continue to be prioritized when it comes to communication.

As a software engineer by trade, this makes sense to me, though I'd hate to see there be multiple status pages to keep track of issues on, that could get convoluted and frustrating pretty quickly for both sides.

Is there a plan to communicate these more major features/overhauls in a sort of super-K.E.R.B? Or something more ad hoc?

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1 hour ago, Intercept Games said:

One more thing, we need a bit of help! K.E.R.B. #4 - No trajectory lines in map view, we're having some trouble reproducing this issue!

I don't have pics, but once I made a Mun lander and when I staged the descent stage and activating the ascent engine to launch, the orbital lines disappeared. I've also experienced similar issues while launching to LKO. Perhaps it's an issue with staging near the surface of bodies?

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44 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

Prioritized <> communicated.  Leaving these out will lead to questions, which will bring doubt back into the community about the communication style.  Again, we want more communication, not less.

They ... actually DID just communicate with us regarding this...

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There's a scary number of bugs "under investigation" or "reproducible" which suggests they won't be fixed when 0.2 comes out (given that only a few  others have a "targeted for 0.,2" comment). It requires imagination beyond my capacities to see how 0.2 is going to be an enjoyable release when there's still many issues like jittering rovers, inability to use engine plates,  sinking through terrain, SAS not working properly during timewarp, and without being listed I assume the docking/undocking problems reported by some don't even make it to the list. And then there will be the dozens of bugs FS! will introduce.

Are we now reaching the point where new features and hence bugs are introduced at a faster rate than bugs are being solved? Because the thrill of new features will dissolve pretty quickly when the game remains an exercise in frustration.

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5 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

I'm talking about continued communication.  My comment is about what is going to happen when they stop showing these.


i know this community well enough to know that NOT showing these issues will NOT go well with the community and will just give them ammo to use against ksp2 and it's dev team

Edited by mindseyemodels
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10 minutes ago, mindseyemodels said:


i know this community well enough to know that NOT showing these issues will NOT go well with the community and will just give them ammo to use against ksp2 and it's dev team

It’s true. While I personally don’t have a problem with it, the rest of the community will, and the devs unfortunately already receive a lot of undeserved disrespect. 

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Glad to hear the news that science is on it's way.

@Dakota The main post mentions that the team would like to use the KERB as a means to look at Patch-to-Patch issues, rather than major bugs. As someone in Academia, its a very annoying issue when incorrect units, or nonsensical measurements are given, as this renders the educational aspect of KSP moot. I know that @Anth is tracking the thread of inconsistent details in the tracking station granted, its a bit old at this point, see: 

 If the team could give a once over pass regarding all units/measurements presented, I think it would go a long way to showing that the team values the scientific merits of the legacy that is KSP.


Cant' wait for science!

Best regards,

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2 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

Prioritized <> communicated.  Leaving these out will lead to questions, which will bring doubt back into the community about the communication style.  Again, we want more communication, not less.

Personally i think having calculating physics constantly take up space in the kerb as investigating/some fixes isnt really that meaningful of communication and im not really riffed about it being gone. As long as they provide meaningful updates in kerbs when changes to these long term issues happen im fine

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