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KSP2 AMA Series - Chris "Nertea" Adderley - 8/17 10AM PST on KSPTV - ASK QUESTIONS HERE


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We're hosting another KSP2 AMA!

This time we're inviting fan-favorite Chris @Nertea Adderley to answer all of your questions including how parts go from ideation to implementation, how heat will be implemented in KSP2, and his journey from community modder to Intercept Games developer.

The stream will be LIVE on KSPTV on August 17th at 10am PDT. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Got a question for Chris? Leave it below!

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1. What percentage of the parts in KSP2 was created by you personally?

2. What is the largest part will be in KSP2?

3. Do you participate in the creation of parts for the colonies?

4. How difficult is it to add a new part to KSP2? Is there a big difference? Is it harder than creating a new part for KSP1 for a modder?

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i know it isn't really worth asking


is there any more concepts for more air-breathing engines like the J-90 smaller or larger

is there gear that is going to be angled from the fuselage not straight up and down

and finally more tires/wheels in the concept stage, or even remotely thought of...


from idea to implementation there has to be concepts, and due to you being a concept designer just wondering if that has even been remotely looked at etc.. I love building air breathing planes/cars but the limited amount of wheels and non-angled from fuselage tires makes it difficult to build moderately good.

I'm interested in the heating but i think in detail explanation of heating effects/visuals and how will it work, in a separate post will be much more beneficial compared to little bits of leaks.

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Hi, Chris! Im sure you've been deep in colony part design. What are your thoughts on greenhouses and simple life support with snacks for example? How do you see conveying that colonies are both real places where kerbals live and 'working machines' much the way vessels are?


Edited by Pthigrivi
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Has the concept of heating changed at any point based on the feedback posted to its thread?

If I know the peak or average specific heat flux a vessel is gonna go through on its final orbit/landing spot, what stops me from just adding enough negative heat flux parts to counteract it?

Considering its possible uses on the automated logistics network, long missions, and just straight up anything that only requires time to pass, how do you balance not timewarping versus just letting things happen in ultra-fast time?

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1. How will the sizes of different stars be scaled with respect to Kerbol? Will they be scaled at 1/3 their real-life analogs like Kerbol and the Sun?

2. How do you plan to implement proper motion of other star systems, and how do you expect that to add to the challenges of interstellar travel?

Edited by LunarMetis
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While we do know it wont be added in the short term, the team has previously been wishy washy if radiation/life support will make it into the game. Are these topics something that the team has decided wont be in the game until maybe after 1.0, something the team has a firm answer on what they want to do with but does not wish to disclose it (though if you do wish to disclose please do), or something that the team is geniunely undecided on

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Has any consideration been given to procedural fuel tanks? Alternatively, reducing the number of fuel tanks in the list and/or providing more variety in shape by implementing a part switcher? The lack of good fuel tanks for making an R-7 style rocket (of any size) has always been disappointing.

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Were you modding before KSP? What made you want to mod KSP? How’d you know what in the game you wanted to mod? If I wanted to get started with modding, what route would you suggest I go down?

Also thank you Nertea for all the hard work you’ve done on KSP.  :)

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Will liquid engine ignition on the launch pad be changed to be closer to real life? As it stands right now, the kerbal counts down to zero, then you see the engine flash and ignition. Will that be changed so liquid engine ignition starts at T-3 seconds like most rocket engines? Also, it would be awesome and informative if you and the other developers changed this to add a section on how much tonnage of fuel each engines consumes prior to liftoff. Thank you. Also, will there be any more engines derived from Soviet Rocket engines? Because we have a few derived from the Soviet engines, but they created some of the most efficient keralox engines ever. Or will there not be any more due to those engines are keralox and KSP2 engines are methalox? I just think it would be cool having more two to four belled sea level engines in game.

Edited by RocketSon4
Another Question
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Are there any kinds of parts you're going to be adding to KSP2, that as far as you know, weren't even really available as mods in KSP1? Some unexpected bits and bobs, maybe

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What is one thing that was different from your expectations in your change from modder to developer? Are there any things that were challenging as a modder that now make more sense from your perspective as a developer?

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Will we get all size variants for all parts? Example, hydrogen tank with the smallest radius, only has long option. Why "semi procedural" parts weren't considered, where you can select a tank and set its lenght/radius to some of the predsfined available values?

Why wobblyness still exists? What are design choices and reasons to keep it, if there is a way to remove it? If there is indeed a way to remove it... 


Edited by cocoscacao
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Are you able to tell us 'something' about science and career modes, there's been an alarming lack of any real information regarding the two.


What is the timescale looking like, is there a date in mind for the first milestone of KSP2?


Delving deeper, what can we expect from science mode, is it the same 'click and reward' setup as KSP1 or are you going for a 'science over time' sorta approach more akin to Kerbalism?


What sort of part numbers are we looking at, is there going to be the same sorta number of experiments as KSP1, or significantly more? What does that entail, are the experiments something more dynamic this time, looking at things like NASA's GRACE mission for example?


In terms of career mode, is there a more dynamic contract system in place rather than the rather 'rinse and repeat' system of KSP1? There's still going to be funding, reputation?


As a side question, stations and bases. Are these going to have something of a real use this time around, given that stations were limited to more or less just fuel depots in KSP1. I'm thinking more along the lines of long term research projects, with big pay-off for significant durations of time. Is there some sort of requirement to resupply the stations, perhaps required crew rotation, stuff like that?


You're doing a great job of squashing bugs and improving performance, but there's sorely little information on even the very first major content update, science.

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