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[1.12.5] Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack (v1.1.8) - A journey to a black hole (Aug 31, 2024)

Jason Kerman

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Threads of the Month: April 2023 Edition


Kcalbeloh System is a planet pack adding an entirely new black hole system with 30 unique celestial bodies, including a super-massive black hole, 4 stars, 15 planets, and 10 moons and asteroids, each with its own unique set of challenges and features.

This planet mod provides a diverse range of environments for Kerbals to explore, such as a planet with surface torn apart by tidal force, binary gas giants with multiple moons, a planet tidally locked by its parent star, and a small moon with a twisted surface. Like the movie Interstellar, there are also a pair of wormholes available for Kerbals to jump between Kerbol system and Kcalbeloh system, adding another layer of exploration and excitement. 

If you're looking for an exciting and rewarding space adventure, Kcalbeloh System is an excellent addition to Kerbal Space Program, providing tens or even hundreds of hours of entertainment.

I really appreciate everyone who has followed this mod. Also thanks to everyone who has provided suggestions, bug reports, or any other forms of help. Also, if you have a cool idea and want to contribute to this project, feel free to let me know.

Get ready to blast off into the cosmos and embark on a thrilling journey through the Kcalbeloh System.

Happy launching!



System Map

Are you sure you want to spoil it?



 Delta-V Map












@R-T-B for maintaining Kopernicus.

@blackrack for Scatterer, Singularity, and EVE.

@Vabien for maintaining Kopernicus Expansions.

@Pkmniako for creating Niako's Kopernicus Utilities (Smoother Heightmaps).

Kopernicus Discord Server: a really good community. I developed most of my planet modding skills there. I can't list all of the names but thank you all for your help!

@JadeOfMaar for inspiration of the system map, and other help and suggestions.

@DY_ZBX for Kerbalism and SpaceDust compatibility.

@themaster401 and @Astronomer for some EVE textures from Astronomer's Visual Pack.

@Sigma88 for SigmaReplacementsSkyBox, SigmaLoadingScreens, and SigmaDimensions.

@OhioBob for atmosphere calculator.

@RJVB09 for light curve calculator.

@ballisticfox0 @GGzz12321 for nice screenshots.

@Davian Lin and Jel for the Russian translation.

@CoriW for ResearchBodies and FinalFrontier compatibility.

@Iodyne @FrostyArchtide for Principia configuration.

@chaos113 for helping with parallax scatter support.

@Lithium-7@BadModder54@CashnipLeaf@Fio @Ade0924 @r-ISCO for writing part of science definitions.

@Emperor of Ilve for helping with Rational Resources support.

Reddit user 0_0_1 for some sunflare textures from Kabrams Sun Flare's Pack.

And most importantly, credit to my girlfriend for allowing me to put time into this mod;p

(The names are NOT in order of contribution)


 Winners of the Loading Screen Contest 2023


After nearly a month and a half of submissions and voting, I'm delighted to reveal the 10 winning entries out of the 79 submissions! These entries received a remarkable number of votes, each exceeding 21, and the creators of them will be honored with the role of 'Space Photographer'. These winning entries will be included in the loading screens of the next update.

Additionally, there were some similarities in the content of some winning entries, and in such cases, only one of them will be included in the loading screen, but all of them are still considered as winners.

A big thank you to all the participants! Congratulations to our talented winners!
Here are the winning entries:

1. Made by @TheOrios:


2. Made by @Plasmididdlydoo:


3. Made by @TheOrios:


4. Made by @ice:


5. Made by @ice:


6. Made by @TheOrios:


7. Made by @ærcian:


8. Made by @JinxerH:

9. Made by @Le Fishe:


10. Made by @C-6317:















Anehta and its moons














































Change Log

  • August 31, 2024: v1.1.8:
    • Added support for KSRSS (requires SigmaDimensions). The scale of the system follows KSRSS settings.
    • Added VertexColorMapEmissive as the new dependency. Emissivity of lava is revamped using the new emissive mod.
    • Adjusted 2.5x rescale to 2.56x.
    • Changed rotation speed of Uleg to 2:1 spin-orbit resonance.
    • Other minor changes and fixes.
  • April 9, 2024: v1.1.7:
    • Fixed a visual bug.
  • April 4, 2024: v1.1.6:
    • Added optional 8k textures for most celestial bodies.
    • Added a new homeswitch option: Mehtna.
    • Adjusted the default size of stars to a realistic scale compared with planets. These changes can be disabled in settings.
    • Stars look brighter at a distance.
    • The size of Kcalbeloh's kill sphere is made larger to avoid some minor issues.
    • Adjusted the heat of Kcalbeloh and Dipuc's volcanoes.
    • New cloud texture for Suluco and Efil, which is consistent with the upcoming official volumetric cloud support.
    • Other minor changes and fixes.
  • Nov 11,2023: v1.1.4:
    • Added a lot of science definitions, including the experiments in DMagic Orbital Science and science definition support for Homeswitch. Thanks to the contribution of the community, the science definitions are mostly complete for almost every celestial body and experiment type, with nearly 3000 items and 50000 words in total for you to discover!
    • Added the option to have realistic-sized stars.
    • Added a tail to Arorua.
    • Improved RSS, RSSVE and EVO compatibility without any extra patches (replacing RSSKopernicusSettings.cfg is not needed anymore).
    • Added the option to remove Kerbol system if homeswitch is enabled.
    • Added principia support for homeswitch.
    • New loading screens from winners of the loading screen contest.
    • Other minor improvements and fixes.
  • July 29, 2023: v1.1.2:
    • Added support for Principia. System stability verified for at least 2000 years. With Principia:
      (1) Kerbol will be forced to orbit Kcalbeloh;
      (2) Wormholes, homeswitch, and rescale will be disabled automatically;
      (3) Skybox will be turned black to avoid visual error with Principia + Singularity;
      (4) It's NOT compatible with RSS and other system-replacer planet mods.
    • Delta-v map is now available!
    • Changed Anehta's internal name from its old name (Aciore) to Anehta. Be careful if you have any craft orbiting Anehta before loading your save.
    • Updated for compatibility with Kopernicus release-176.
    • Updated the sunflare without scatterer.
    • Added sunflare for Kerbol if no system-replacer planet mod is installed.
    • Fixed compatibility of homeswitch and Parallax (infinite loading screen error).
    • Decreased Aralc-B's inclination.
    • Other minor changes and fixes.
  • July 11, 2023: v1.1.1:
    • Bug fix: Solar power intensity is incorrect with home-switch.
    • Bug fix: system fails to load with RSS.
    • Enhancement: New sun flare for stars. All stars have the same style of sun flare now.
    • Enhancement: Maelg has new sun flares and the light is slightly brighter.
  • July 1, 2023: v1.1.0:
    • Improved rescale config. Now home-switch and rescale can be applied together.

    • Added an option to move Kerbol system orbiting Kcalbeloh. To enable it you need to change DistanceFactor to 0.

    • Added a hidden home-switch option for those who enjoy challenge, pain, and cool stuffs :P

    • Removed the barycenter of Aralc system to make it less buggy. If you have any crafts orbiting it, move it to somewhere else before updating, or you will lose this vessel.

    • Removed the RescaleAll option in settings. It will rescale all celestial bodies by default unless RSS or JNSQ is installed.

    • Added an extra package to make Kcalbeloh's Schwarzschild radius realistic without changing its mass.

    • Added support for Final Frontier.

    • Adjusted the fixed Kerbol's light curve to make OPM planets brighter.

    • Other fixes and minor adjustments.

  • May 28, 2023: v1.0.4-alpha
    • Parallax 2.0 scatters added.
    • More science definitions were added.
    • Reduced the radius of Norihc.
    • Adjusted the altitude threshold of flying low/high and in space low/high and the altitude of time warp limit for some planets.
    • Fixed Arorua's atmosphere curve.
    • Fixed the error that Rouqea's atmosphere was not oxygenated in the last version. Fixed the error that Uleg's atmosphere was oxygenated in the last version.
    • Adjusted the biome list of Suluco.
    • Fixed Kerbol's light intensity curve under rescaling.
    • Added built-in settings for KSP Community Fixes to force disable the stock maneuver planning tool.
    • Added resource config for MetalOre used by Extraplanetary Launchpads.
    • Fixed the popped-up Module Manager errors with RSS.
    • Fixed the error that Rouqea has small pieces of land. Adjusted Rouqea's wave to be bigger.
    • Added support for Rational Resources, but the config is in RR's downloads.
  • April 3, 2023: v 1.0.3-alpha1
    • Orbit adjustments:
      • Simetra-Simeht system
        • Move the binary gas giants closer to each other.
        • Move Noira to retrograde orbit around the barycenter.
        • Move Noi to L4 Lagrange Point of Sunorc.
        • Adjust the SMA of Norihc and Noyreg.
        • Increase the SMA of the barycenter for a bit.
      • Increase the SMA of Maelg, Sunorc, and Aralc system for orbit stability.
      • Move Aralc-A and Aralc-B closer to each other.
      • Adjust the SMA of Ahtpan, Tot, and Sera.
      • Increase the inclination of Meiuqer.
    • [WIP] Parallax ground objects (Unfinished).
    • [WIP] Science definitions (Unfinished).
    • Better implementation for HomeSwitch and other settings.
    • [WIP] Add support for Principia. The system stability has been tested for more than 500 years. Only works WITHOUT homeSwitch.
    • Add support for ResearchBodies.
    • Other minor changes/fixes:
      • Increase the atmosphere height of Rouqea.
      • Better sunlight curve for RSS.
      • Better planet introduction writing.
      • Remove the sunlight requirement for ScanSat since it only recognizes Kerbol as light source.
      • The wormhole will orbit Sarnus if OPM is installed.
      • Fix the timewarp limits in low-Kcalbeloh orbit.
      • Fix the accretion disk invisible in Linux/Mac.
      • Fix the orientations for tidally locked planets with RSS installed.
      • Remove RunSharp.dll in bundled KopernicusExpansions since it's useless and can cause issues.
  • November 12, 2022: v1.0.1
    • Rename Aciore as Anehta since the original name can be associated with a bad word.
    • Better rescale config. Add build-in rescale config for all celestial bodies in-game. If you want to play with 2.5x or 10x size universe, there is no need to install a rescale mod for the stock system. Also, it is toggleable in mod settings whether rescale is applied only to Kcalbeloh system or all celestial bodies. See here.
    • Better skybox; add an option in mod settings to disable the bundled skybox if you don't like it. See here.
    • Adjust Tot's orbit and size. Adjusted the mass of Noi and Enots. Be careful before loading a save if you have any vessels on Tot.
    • Improve Iomena's terrain. Be careful before loading a save if you have any vessels on Iomena's surface.
    • New sun flare for Sunorc.
    • Add sandstorms to Sera and Ahtpan.
    • Other minor adjustments and bug fixes.
  • September 24, 2022: v1.0.0
    • Official release!
  • September 11, 2022: Beta 1.4
    • Update for compatibility with Parallax 2.0.
      Please notice that surface objects/scatters for Parallax 2.0 have NOT been added. This is only an update to fix the loading error. I will add surface objects in the future but it needs a lot of work and takes time.
    • Add KSPCommunityFixes as a new dependency
      It can fix a bug that severely impacts the gameplay experience. You can find more detail at this section.
    • Other minor adjustments and bug fixes.
  • July 10, 2022: Beta 1.3
    • Update for compatibility with the latest Kopernicus release.
    • Remove DistantObjectEnhancement config and replace them with scatterer flare, which can have similar visual effects on distant planets. This change is made since it is known that DOE doesn't work for interstellar planets.
    • Other minor changes and bug fixes.
  • May 02, 2022: Beta 1.2
    • Add Parallax support. (Requires Parallax Stock Textures).
    • Use Mitchell-Netravali Filtered Heightmap by @Pkmniako. This yields a generally less pixelated terrain, and far better and smoother cliffs.
    • Add compatibility for:
      • SpaceDust
      • Kerbalism
      • PlanetShine
    • Add asteroid settings.
    • Add/improve some setting options.
    • Wormhole WH-3141-A are moved to Jool/Saturn system.
    • Add Russain Localization.
    • Other minor changes/fixes.
  • April 04, 2022: Beta 1.1
    • Compatibility with Community Resource Pack.
    • Add rescale options for 2.5x and 10x rescale. (SigmaDimensions Required)
    • New texture for Kcalbeloh's accretion disk.
    • Animated cloud bands for Aciore.
    • Other minor changes and bug fixes.
  • February 28, 2022: Beta 1.0
    • New planet: Mehtna and Meiuqer.
    • Revamp: Dipuc.
    • Custom Loading Screens.
    • Custom Skybox.
    • Localization: English and Chinese Simplified (简体中文).
    • Compatibility for Distant Object Enhancement.
    • Kopernicus Expansions are pre-bundled from now on.
    • Other minor changes.
  • January 22, 2022: Alpha 1.05
    • Noyreg planet texture revamp.
    • All biome maps finished except Rouqea.
    • Icons for every celestial body.
    • Some bug fixed.
  • January 14, 2022: Alpha 1.04
    • Add a planet: Iomena, a rocky planet with oceans and large craters.
    • Add a star: Maelg, an L-type brown dwarf star orbiting lonely around the blackhole.
    • New star textures.
    • New sunflares. 
    • Add sunflares for players without scatterer.
    • Some biome maps.
    • Arorua planet texture revamp.
    • Wormholes can be disabled in settings.
    • Reduced the mass of Kcalbeloh.
    • Some adjustments on orbits.
    • Other minor adjustments or fixes.
  • December 10, 2021: Alpha 1.02
    • Some changes of orbits considering orbit stability.
    • [WIP] Aurora for most planets.
    • Add a pair of wormholes connecting stock system and Sunorc system.
  • November 28, 2021: Alpha 1.01
    • Update scatterer atmosphere config for newest scatterer version.
    • Suluco partly revamp.
    • Ahtpan partly revamp.
    • Noi revamp.
    • Add a ring to Sera.
    • Temporarily remove aurora of Arorua. It will be revamped in the future.
  • October 31, 2021:
    • Add a new moon Noira: A moon with a giant grater and retrograde orbit around Simetra.
    • Add an new asteroid Noi orbiting closely around Simeht.
    • Ahtpan PQS mods.
    • Sera PQS mods.
  • October 24, 2021:
    • Add a new moon Elad: A moon of Aciore with a similar size and mass to Tylo.
    • Detail texture for Aciore's clouds.
    • New cloud map for Noyreg. 
  • October 18, 2021:
    • Add a new moon Norihc: An Icy moon with very thin atmosphere.
    • Add a new moon Noyreg: A rocky moon with a very thick atmosphere, which looks green due to chlorine.
  • September 26, 2021:
    • Add a new planet Uleg: A cold planet covered by ice orbting around Kcalbeloh.
    • WIP: Efil terrain details (PQS Mods).
  • September 20, 2021:
    • Replace Sulpma with Simetra-Simeht binary gas giant system.
    • Rename some celestial bodies:
      • Silos -> Sunorc
      • Sidnarg -> Sedah
  • September 12, 2021:
    • Suluco terrain details (PQS Mods).
  • September 7, 2021:
    • Home switch option for Efil and Suluco. (KSC can be moved to Efil or Suluco) 
  • August 15, 2021:
    • Aciore texture revamped.
    • Suluco ground texture.
    • Add a new planet Ahtpan: a desert planet orbiting around Aralc System with naphtha oceans.
  • August 7, 2021:
    • Suluco ice caps revamped.
    • Add a new asteroid-like moon of Suluco: Tot
    • Rename Sucsibih to Sera.
    • Add a new moon of Sera: Dipuc
  • August 1, 2021:
    • Anneheg revamp: Completely remake the texture and moving the orbit near Aralc-A.
    • Add a new asteroid-like moon of Aciore: Enots
    • Aciore ring revamp.
    • Normal maps revamp for most planets.
  • July 22, 2021:
    • Add a new planet: Anneheg.
    • Aciore texture revamped.
  • July 19, 2021:
    •  Add a new gas giant: Sulpma.
    • Global bright aurora for Arorua.
    • No need for Sigma Binary anymore.
  • July 12, 2021: Forum thread posted.



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Edited by Jason Kerman
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Updated on July 19, 2021:


- Add a new gas giant: Sulpma


- Global bright aurora for Arorua



- No need for Sigma Binary


Added a roughly plan:

On 7/12/2021 at 12:15 AM, Jason Kerman said:

1. Add more planets.

2. Add moons to the planets.

3. Alpha Release. (Download will be available)

4. Terrain Texture for all planets and moons.

5. Add asteroids. 

6. Biomaps.

7. Beta Release.

8. Parallax compatibility

9. Compatibility with some other mods

10. Other minor issues


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On 8/1/2021 at 1:16 PM, Jason Kerman said:

Updated on August 1, 2021:

  Hide contents
  • Anneheg revamped: Completely remake the texture and moving the orbit near Aralc-A.



  • Add a new asteroid-like moon of Aciore: Enots



  • Aciore ring revamp.


  • Normal maps revamp for most planets.



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3 hours ago, Souptime said:

I dont care if i have to suffer the pain of 0.1 FPS, we NEED this mod

It's not the matter of FPS. Some part of it are unfinished so it looks terrible at some places.

2 hours ago, TRAPPIST-1E said:

Can you show us the positioning of the stars? it looks like the systems are really close to the black hole


Semi-major axis of Aralc System: 3.262*10^11 m

Semi-major axis of Silos: 9.1788*10^11 m

Radius of Kcalbeloh: 7*10^9 m

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