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Restock Waterfall Expansion 3.1.0 (Aggie Engine Repairs) for Kerbal Space Program (1.12.5)!


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Restock Waterfall Effects 3.1.0 by AtomicTech based off of Stock Waterfall Effects by Knight of St. John and Waterfall Restock by Nertea.


Restock Waterfall Effects contains a set of template and engine configuration files, that gives Knight of St. John's awesome waterfall effects to the stock engines.

This is a config mod and does nothing by itself and is built from Knight of St. John's Stock Waterfall Effects, Nertea's Waterfall Restock, and Jet Sounds Continued. You need to install the dependency mods for it to work.


ENGINES INCLUDED (Differences between Waterfall Restock 0.2.3)


  • The Bobcat with its original Hypergolic Plume (SWE) along with a new Kerolox and Hypergolic Plume.

  • The Cheetah with a new Hypergolic Plume and Kerolox Plume, along with the original Hydrolox Plume (RWE).

  • The Thud with its Hypergolic Plume from SWE.

  • The Swivel with its original Kerolox Plume from SWE.

  • The Reliant with its original Kerolox Plume from SWE.

  • The Skiff with its original Hydrolox Plume from SWE.

  • The Goliath, Juno, Panther, Wheesley, Whiplash, and RAPIER's SWE Plumes all included.

  • The Vernier (RCS) with its original Kerolox Plume from SWE.

  • The Wolfhound with a new Methalox plume.

  • The Vector with its Hydrolox, Methalox, and Stratzenblitz configs from SWE.

  • Along with everything else from Waterfall Restock!


DEPENDENCIES (RWE 0.1.0 - 0.3.0)



  • ModuleManager

  • Waterfall

  • B9PartSwitch

  • Restock

  • Waterfall Restock


DEPENDENCIES (RWE 2.0.0 to RWE 2.2.0)



  • ModuleManager

  • Waterfall

  • B9PartSwitch

  • Restock





1.) If you have existing RestockWaterfallExpansion, StockWaterfallEffects, and/or WaterfallRestock folders, DELETE ALL OF THEM.

2.) Extract all of the contents of the RWE-Master folder (RestockWaterfallExpansion, StockWaterfallEffects, and WaterfallRestock) to your GameData folder.

3.) Update/install dependencies: ModuleManager, B9 Part Switch, and Waterfall.


1.) If you have existing RestockWaterfallExpansion, StockWaterfallEffects, and/or WaterfallRestock folders, DELETE ALL OF THEM.

2.) Extract all of the contents of the RWE-Master folder (RestockWaterfallExpansion, StockWaterfallEffects, and WaterfallRestock) to your GameData folder.

3.) Update/install dependencies: Realplume, Realplume Stock Configs, ModuleManager, Waterfall, Smokescreen, and B9 Part Switch.

4.) Enjoy!

--- UPDATING FROM 2.2.0 TO 3.0.0 (and later) ---

1.) If you have existing RestockWaterfallExpansion, JetSoundsUpdated, StockWaterfallEffects, and/or WaterfallRestock folders, DELETE ALL OF THEM.

2.) Update/install dependencies: Realplume, Realplume Stock Configs, ModuleManager, Waterfall, Smokescreen, and B9 Part Switch.

 3.) Extract all of the contents of the RWE-Master folder (RestockWaterfallExpansion, StockWaterfallEffects, and WaterfallRestock) to your GameData folder.




Read the included instructions in the .zip.



- (Nov. 27th, 2022) Restock Waterfall Expansion (0.3.0, [The Titan Update](https://i.ibb.co/Hg4BCgc/Titan-Update.jpg)) is now in beta testing, release expected soon!

- (Nov. 30th, 2022) Research has begun to create a full replacement for Restock Waterfall using Stock Waterfall Effects 0.6.3 & 0.7.0.

- (Dec. 17th, 2022) Restock Waterfall Expansion 0.3.0, the Titan Update released.

- (Dec. 18th, 2022) Restock Waterfall Expansion 0.4.0 (Modern Rocket Rockin') in development.

- (Dec. 29th, 2022) Restock Waterfall Expansion 0.4.0 (Modern Rocket Rockin') development temporarily halted.

- (Mar. 1st, 2023) Restock Waterfall Expansion 0.4.0 (Modern Rocket Rockin') cancelled.

- (Mar. 6th, 2023) Restock Waterfall Expansion 2.0.0 (New Age, Old Thing) in development.

- (Mar. 6th, 2023) Restock Waterfall Expansion 2.0.0 (New Age, Old Thing) released.

- (Mar. 6th, 2024) Restock Waterfall Expansion 2.2.0 (Turbo Turbines) released.

- (Mar. 19th, 2024) Restock Waterfall Expansion 3.0.0 (Stainless Steel Solids) in development.

- (Apr. 25th, 2024) Restock Waterfall Expansion 3.0.0 (Stainless Steel Solids) released.

- (Jun. 26th, 2024)  Restock Waterfall Expansion (3.1.0, Aggie Engine Repairs) released.




This content is distributed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) (For the RestockWaterfallExpansion & StockWaterfallEffects Folder, for the license for the Waterfall Restock, see Chris Adderly's custom license below.)

You are free to:

- Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

- Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

- Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

- NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

- ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

- No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.




Copyright (c) 2019 Chris Adderley Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

















Edited by AtomicTech
Updated Page for the Stainless Steel Solids Update.
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10 hours ago, Motokid600 said:

Very nice! So is this an extension of the current Waterfall Restock? Edit: "Restock Waterfall Expansion" suppose so. Lol!

Looks like this covers the gaps in Waterfall Restock (like the stock jet engines).

@AtomicTech  Thanks for making this. You also did some engines already covered by Waterfall Restock. What did you do differently?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/2/2022 at 7:36 PM, Motokid600 said:

Very nice! So is this an extension of the current Waterfall Restock? Edit: "Restock Waterfall Expansion" suppose so. Lol!

It does require Waterfall Restock :)

On 12/3/2022 at 6:39 AM, Kwebib said:

Looks like this covers the gaps in Waterfall Restock (like the stock jet engines).

@AtomicTech  Thanks for making this. You also did some engines already covered by Waterfall Restock. What did you do differently?

Which engines specifically? I can't think of any, although it might just be my sleep-deprived brain. 

It might've just been that I didn't like the Waterfall Restock version and instead loved @Knight of St John's plume(s)!

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4 hours ago, Kwebib said:

@AtomicTech I know the Swivel and Reliant were already covered by Waterfall Restock, but there's nothing wrong with overwriting them, of course.

Well its worth removing the Waterfall effects for those engines, with Module Manager, first if you are replacing them, otherwise there could be two lots of engine plume sets rendering at the same time.

3 hours ago, AtomicTech said:

They are!?

Heck, I must've missed that!


For reference

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11 minutes ago, Poodmund said:

Well its worth removing the Waterfall effects for those engines, with Module Manager, first if you are replacing them, otherwise there could be two lots of engine plume sets rendering at the same time.


For reference

Thanks for the heads up :)

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I’m the silliest man alive, I didn’t include restock waterfall. I only used this this expansion, which is incredible by the way, all by itself. If I had only looked at the freaking instructions. Silly me :P. Nice job on the update by the way Atomic. Got to use it, it works terrific!

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On 12/23/2022 at 10:57 AM, Tangle said:

What additions does this mod have for someone switching from a pared-down Stock Waterfall Effects install? I have Restock and its waterfall effects already- does this just repackage those same plumes I already have?

You should be fine with either :)

I built RWE as a skimmed down version of SWE that would allow me to add new propellant plumes to certain engines from the SWE plume library.

8 hours ago, CytauriKerbal said:

I’m the silliest man alive, I didn’t include restock waterfall. I only used this this expansion, which is incredible by the way, all by itself. If I had only looked at the freaking instructions. Silly me :P. Nice job on the update by the way Atomic. Got to use it, it works terrific!

Thanks :)

I'm really glad that you enjoy it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey folks, I've got a bit of bad but not unexpected news.

As I'm sure we all know, KSP 2 is right around the corner. I've noticed this pattern with a whole lot of other developers that they've been either moving to KSP 2 or cancelling projects because KSP 2 will already include what they've been working on.

Unfortunately and yet fortunately, KSP 2 will replace both the need for Restock and Waterfall. My project is therefore left happily without a reason to continue. This does mean that RWE 0.4.0 will never be released, but that's alright! (It's currently a very buggy mess :wink:

Thanks for all the support folks! Without y'all, I never would've or could've started digging into KSP's .cfg files and so for that I'm very grateful.

I'd like to give one last thanks to @ColdJ, @Snark, @adsii1970, @Caerfinon, @zer0Kerbal, @linuxgurugamer, @HebaruSan, @Staticalliam7, @Knight of St John, and to anyone else who's helped me on my modding path. You guys rock!

So then, 

So long and thanks for all the fish, Kerbal Space Program .

Edited by AtomicTech
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1 hour ago, AtomicTech said:

Hey folks, I've got a bit of bad but not unexpected news.

As I'm sure we all know, KSP 2 is right around the corner. I've noticed this pattern with a whole lot of other developers that they've been either moving to KSP 2 or cancelling projects because KSP 2 will already include what they've been working on.

Unfortunately and yet fortunately, KSP 2 will replace both the need for Restock and Waterfall. My project is therefore left happily without a reason to continue. This does mean that RWE 0.4.0 will never be released, but that's alright! (It's currently a very buggy mess :wink:

Thanks for all the support folks! Without y'all, I never would've or could've started digging into KSP's .cfg files and so for that I'm very grateful.

I'd like to give one last thanks to @ColdJ, @Snark, @adsii1970, @Caerfinon, @zer0Kerbal, @linuxgurugamer, @HebaruSan, @Staticalliam7, @Knight of St John, and to anyone else who's helped me on my modding path. You guys rock!

So then, 

So long and thanks for all the fish, Kerbal Space Program .

Thank you so much for bringing more enjoyment to KSP.

As are others, I am not doing much new development on KSP, so fully understand where you are coming from.



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3 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Thank you so much for bringing more enjoyment to KSP.

As are others, I am not doing much new development on KSP, so fully understand where you are coming from.




1 hour ago, Caerfinon said:

As do you. The community helps one another and we all benefit.  


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  • 1 month later...

Well y'all, it's been a while!

As I'm sure y'all know, RWE 0.4.0 was cancelled around two months ago but I've got a bit of a surprise for y'all!

Drum roll please! (Open the spoilers when ready :)



A new thumbnail art for Restock Waterfall Expansion!

Pretty cool right?



Apparently, Restock Waterfall Expansion 2.0.0 (New Age, Old Thing) is available now on SpaceDock.

I'm not quite sure how it got there... ;)


Be sure to remove your prexisting RestockWaterfallExpanion, WaterfallRestock, and StockWaterfallEffects folders to prepare for the update!



Edited by AtomicTech
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Awesome mod @AtomicTech; I would like to thank you for your efforts


I have just discovered it this week, while updating my mods, and for what I have tested, Waterfall Expansion even improves the performance on my Kerbal modded installation (vs Restock Waterfall & Stock Waterfall effects previously installed)


I have only found a little visual glitch with Terrier engines waterfall effect (not at home right now, so I'll update this post later with pics).  I would look into cfgs and compare with Restock Waterfall, cause I didn't notice it before installing your mod


Anyway, thanks again for your work, and sorry for my possible grammar mistakes (english is not my first language...)


Edit: Forget about it; just checked and Restock Waterfall and Waterfall Expansion have the exactly the same cfg for that engine. The cause its TUFX Temporal Antialiasing

Edited by Master_Azrael
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On 3/15/2023 at 1:20 AM, Master_Azrael said:

Awesome mod @AtomicTech; I would like to thank you for your efforts


I have just discovered it this week, while updating my mods, and for what I have tested, Waterfall Expansion even improves the performance on my Kerbal modded installation (vs Restock Waterfall & Stock Waterfall effects previously installed)


I have only found a little visual glitch with Terrier engines waterfall effect (not at home right now, so I'll update this post later with pics).  I would look into cfgs and compare with Restock Waterfall, cause I didn't notice it before installing your mod


Anyway, thanks again for your work, and sorry for my possible grammar mistakes (english is not my first language...)


Edit: Forget about it; just checked and Restock Waterfall and Waterfall Expansion have the exactly the same cfg for that engine. The cause its TUFX Temporal Antialiasing

It's all good, no worries

I'm quite happy that this mod makes playing KSP noticably better for you :)

Originally when I started this mod, it was partially an accident because I hodge-podged my pull requests for Stock Waterfall Expansion with an accidentally outdated Waterfall Restock, but when it started to come into it's own, I decided that I'd share my creation with the world and so it makes me quite happy to see that I'm not the only one who enjoys this! :grin:

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