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April Fools 2019 Failure.


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Many of you will probably not recognize me.  I stay in a few of the Mod-development/release forums and that is it.   I have been a member of the forums since October 2013 and have over 5000hours of game time in KSP.   One of the reasons I have been involved in this game for so long is inclusion.   I am here to talk about what I hope is a serious failure in this years April Fools jokes.

First, A word from one of our friendly moderators (from another thread)

On 3/25/2019 at 12:30 PM, Snark said:

"Downvoting" mods isn't a thing-- after all, it would be pretty poor form to complain about something given in good faith, for free, to anyone who may choose to use it.

If you don't like a mod, then you just "vote with your feet" and don't use the mod.

So to start with I saw the TOTM post at 12AM GMT April first.  Of course living in the US I didn't realize that an Official Squad (in Mexico) post would be posted on Greenwich time.  Further, and IDK if the rest of the world uses this but in my part of the United States we say APRIL FOOLS after the joke....  So TOTM is a failure as a joke to my mind. Then today I went to @CobaltWolf's BlueDog_DB Forum... I had been waiting for him to post a picture from his stream yesterday so I could comment on the awesomeness that came from his stream.   GASP 4x Downvotes.   what the heck!   SO having JUST read the above post from Moderator Snark yesterday, I initially played it off as an April fools joke... A REALLY REALLY bad one.  But the more I worked on my post the  more hurt and angrier I became.   A) Cobaltwolf didn't deserve down-votes in my opinion and B) I was deeply saddened by WHO did the down-voting.  I checked a few other threads and saw the same down-vote option

  If this new Downvote feature is an April Fools joke.  It is in the poorest of taste.   Not only does it make a Hypocrite out of great MODERATORS like @Snark here, it actively encourages bullying.   Something I was lead to believe was not tolerated in these forums.   I am not happy about any of the supposed April fools jokes that I have discovered this year from Squad.   It wasn't a swing and a miss... Rather Squad took their trusty baseball bat and in one day bashed apart the entire credibility of the forum, and it's staff in my opinion.  

I know I am an opinionated jerk (but hey I also know they are opinions... I DO realize that they only matter for me and those that agree!)   I know I can rub people the wrong way.   That is what happens when your primary form of communication is reading lips.    I have been half deaf for my whole conscious life.   I process both the written and the spoken word differently than the "average" person in my part of the world.    I say this not for anyone's pity, but for your understanding.   I do not tolerate bullying (and am aghast if someone thinks I am in that roll.)  I have been a repeated victim of bullying and discrimination.  Anything that opens the door to it should be shamed or avoided at all costs.   As Snark so eloquently posted above... if you don't like something vote with your feet and leave  I do not know of a single April fools joke from this year that was Funny (coming from Squad)  I am tempted to do just that.  Pick my feet up and leave the forums.   

  In my day job I am in peoples homes and I routinely encourage parents that KSP is great for STEM  edutainment for their kids.   I can no longer in good conscious consider doing that going forward, irregardless if this is a joke or a new standard.  I will not bash KSP but I will no longer mention it to parents.  I have a zero tolerance when Corporations + Kids on the subject of Bullying.   

By Giving someone partial anonymity(You don't know WHY they down-voted) you open the door to bullying, Squad, and you leave the moderators with little or no recourse to prevent it.


Others of you may disagree and that is, in my opinion, your right too.   But in the end I hope this mistake (and I truly hope it was an HONEST MISTAKE is quickly rectified!)

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I was going to downvote this for a gag but I think it already got disabled. In any case, from what I can tell they got converted to likes anyways (which I'm fairly confident was always the intent). Either way, I'm disappointed in my users for not exclusively using the downvote option on my post in question for the meme factor. Lord knows I can afford to shed some of this rep weighing me down...

Edited by CobaltWolf
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I used it for the meme factor, and only on @CobaltWolf because he expects it. :)

On the sad note I would point my resentment towards humanity in general and not just the KSP community. Part of the reason a Dislike button was never available is likely so that such unwholesome people get discouraged or prevented from anonymously speaking their mind (or hanging around on the forum anyway), but the moment it comes, they promptly do so, which helps to make social networks at large into foul places.

Back on topic, I'd like to console you and say that it's not worth your time and energy to become infuriated over Squad's poor choice of humor. I personally was never into pulling pranks and doing the April Fools thing so I feel nothing from this, however, I'm righteously angered from the majority of things Squad does or fails to do (when it's time to be serious) with KSP releases overall. So please reconsider. KSP is still great and still worth promoting as you've done before. Do stick around, sir.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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It was a joke, confirmed! And, in case you didn't realise, downvotes were immediately counted as "likes" and shortly thereafter, even the down arrow disappeared. Hope that clarifies things. 

But it's good feedback, thanks for that. 

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Hello folks. This joke was my idea. If you're mad at anybody, be mad at me. The button was merely labeled "dislike" and was actually a second "like" button. The idea was that people trying to be grumpy gusses would just end up giving likes anyway. No malice involved. 

At any rate, it's gone now. 

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First off, Moderators, Mod Creators/curators, and fellow players, thank you for your responses.

I want to say first that I am not "mad" at anyone.   Wrung out would be the proper term and it starts before I logged on today... so I may have over reacted...   

In a vacuum it was a funny joke *pun not intentional*.  I got the joke...But with no easy way to verify it WAS a joke and not something permanent...  The problem, that caused me to post as I did was you have a, what 8+ page thread now about people BEGGING for a down-vote button?  Plus you have several people in other forums actively asking for said down-vote button.   So to come on today and see it... my relatively new fears about the forum are realized.   I hope you can understand what I saw and why I reacted so.  Short of using the accursed down-vote button there was no way to know if this was a joke or the real deal.   Better to bring this up now than to have a forum that would leave me, and others, feel un-welcome.    We Hunams are not a perfect lot.  We are squishy and we make mistakes.   I know I have made my share of them today...  

Thanks again everyone!

PS bonus points if you know what game the Squishy Hunams are from!



Edited by Pappystein
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1 hour ago, Pappystein said:

you have a, what 8+ page thread now about people BEGGING for a down-vote button?

With several responses from moderators saying it'll never happen...

I get it, you were in an off mood and it rubbed you the wrong way since you were not sure if it was a joke. Good on you for coming back later in a better mood and getting the joke.

I was having fun with it while it lasted, "downvoting" almost everything for the heckuvit. It's all gone so it's all good now.

I dunno if the other possible (but not currently available on this forum) reactions can be customized, but perhaps next year the reaction list can be fully populated, with the last one being "April Fools!"

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2 hours ago, Nightside said:

One upside of this silliness is that the LIKE button on iOS safari seems to work better now. It only takes one click instead of two to give a like.

Apparently that bug had become a feature, and now users who learned that behavior are having issues unlearning it. 

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6 hours ago, Fraston said:

But what wasn't a fail was the beautiful profile pictures that the moderators and a few others (namely Me, @The_Arcitect and @FahmiRBLXian) Blessed the world with!

Currently using PUBG guns as profile pic while in a 'Cold War' of the Profile Picture War.


What I can call a 'Cold War' is something like the "Google Picture War", my "YouTube Video War" & the "Profile Picture War" threads, while 'Hot War' i.e Real Battles / Wars are BDA(C) (And affiliated mods i.e Aviator Arsenal) Challenges when, you know, you enlist your fighter to fight others using the AI Pilot.


Edited by FahmiRBLXian
с**а бл**ь Typo.
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19 hours ago, Gargamel said:

Apparently that bug had become a feature, and now users who learned that behavior are having issues unlearning it. 

Where I file a UNBUG report? I'm still trying to unlearn it, and I'm failing miserably. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/2/2019 at 9:18 AM, Gapone said:

bring back the downvotes
you broke my heart when you did this
downvotes are love downvotes are life

Let me tell you a secret.
The "Dislike" button was adding "likes".  So, the "Like" button adds "dislikes", it's just masked to look like a "Like", but actually the "likes" are "dislikes", and the reputation is negative.
So, the more you click the "Like", the more you downvote the victim target.


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29 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:
  Hide contents

Let me tell you a secret.
The "Dislike" button was adding "likes".  So, the "Like" button adds "dislikes", it's just masked to look like a "Like", but actually the "likes" are "dislikes", and the reputation is negative.
So, the more you click the "Like", the more you downvote the victim target.


A dislike I would give you, if my likes weren't mysteriously exhausted by now. :D

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12 hours ago, kerbiloid said:
  Hide contents

Let me tell you a secret.
The "Dislike" button was adding "likes".  So, the "Like" button adds "dislikes", it's just masked to look like a "Like", but actually the "likes" are "dislikes", and the reputation is negative.
So, the more you click the "Like", the more you downvote the victim target.



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