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KSP2 Release Notes - Update v0.1.4.0

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8 hours ago, InterstellarDrifter said:

When can we fix this?? 

When you make your official bug report, you should include a description of what is actually wrong and what steps you took to get to that point.

A picture is worth 1000 words, so try to make your bug report about 2000 words long.

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Finally I can launch silly rocket designs with no struts!!!Things were working pretty well until I tried to land on Mun, then I had some black patches under the rocket (zoomed in-out it shifted but it made landing harder) and the rocket randomly dissapeared when I went on EVA (it was there one moment and then after walking away, timewarping to sunlight, and planting planting a flag it was gone. So now Jeb needs a pick-up).

If I can repeat the (black ground) effect I'll put in a bug report etc.

Edited by PicoSpace
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12 hours ago, ShadowZone said:

I put a probe in a 13 by 26 km orbit around the Mun and it immediately started to degrade rather quickly. So... yeah... that needs some work, still.

Same here, I put a smal craft in a 10 by 20 km orbit around the Mun and the AP is rising while the PE is degrading. Slowly but surely I lost my hope in this game and the developers... Did you allready fill a bug report?

Edited by Snips
Nevermind, found the original bug report and added my case.
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Congrats on getting the patch out. Haven't had a chance to test it myself yet but some reports are pretty worrying. Props to Nestor for coming in here with extra info, specially about fixes that didn't make it to the list but are in the game.

Sad to see reports about this one are mixed yet again.

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21 hours ago, ShadowZone said:

As your resident patch historian, allow me to present the statistics for this:

  Total items Community % of total
0.1.1 281 42 15%
0.1.2 173 36 21%
0.1.3 165 17 10%
0.1.4 81 9 11%

Patch 4 has less than half the number of fixes than the previous one did. Does this make it worse? Hard to say, since I would assume work on the orbital decay bug must have taken quite a lot of time and developer resources. Which is why the sheer number of fixes rarely gives the full picture of how much of an improvement a patch really is.

That being said, I have seen quite a few fixes for construction that will make my life a lot easier! Now to downloading it...

Thanks for putting the work in to do this! It would also be nice to see a breakdown of which bugs were day 1 bugs, as I feel like that would give some indication of where the team is at. Thanks again!

On the subject of bug reports, I'm seeing some people displeased and saying that the devs should be aware of the bugs. I just want to add my two cents:

The devs are more than likely aware of most of the issues with the game, but tracking down the steps to reproduce a bug can be time-consuming. 

So bug reports help the devs, not necessarily because you are telling them about an issue for the first time, but if you can nail down the steps that reproduce the bug it saves them a lot of time and gives them a better starting place as to what might be causing the issue. 

Anyway thats my two cents. 

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19 hours ago, Vl3d said:

@Nertea I second this. The system of building fairing by dragging arrows is super clunky and slow. But.. don't redo the old system. Instead, make the fairing auto-size to cover the payload, so the rockets look nice.


18 hours ago, InterstellarDrifter said:

I think the KSP1 system worked very well. It is intuitive, quick, and reliable. Why fix what ain't broken?

Why not both?

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9 minutes ago, AtomicTech said:


Why not both?

Because including and maintaining multiple features in software that duplicate functionality is not worth it unless the software is much more expensive to initially purchase than a game, or has ongoing support contracts or subscription models.

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19 hours ago, ShadowZone said:

Please don't return to KSP1 fairings. It's never possible to make a precise shape with them and replicating what you did once is nigh impossible.

The new UI is a bit clunky, and I agree that it takes longer, but I can build fairings with a lot more confidence when it comes to more special applications that require higher degree of precision.

Precise shape? Why not? I've been covering many payloads with milimeter precision. As for exact replication, well... every craft is different. Never had the need to do that, but I don't find the new system any better in that regard.

Also, what sort of special applications?

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13 hours ago, RocketRockington said:

What percentage of your sprint points would you say go to bug fixing vs new feature development?

We usually don't estimate bugs because the solution to the bug is not always obvious so I don't have those stats. Almost every sprint has some bugs scheduled to be worked on. We do meet every week to look at incoming bugs and prioritize them and every sprint we pick the top priority stuff from the backlog.

Some interesting stats from this release cycle, about 4 out of 5 of the check-ins to the repository did not make it to the patch notes. Those check-ins will include internal bug fixes and feature work for future versions. It also includes other stuff as localization, project cleanup, art source files, etc. 

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2 hours ago, cocoscacao said:

Precise shape? Why not? I've been covering many payloads with milimeter precision. As for exact replication, well... every craft is different. Never had the need to do that, but I don't find the new system any better in that regard.

Also, what sort of special applications?

I use fairings as hull replacement for large ships or to make spherical objects. Like the 2001 moon landing shuttle at 0:52 in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55btWQQVPLE

Getting both halves to have the exact same diameter and curvature was a royal pain in the behind and even then I never quite nailed it.

Or when I tried to recreate KSP2 vehicles in KSP1 and used fairings to replicate the spherical parts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNgTLF_JV5U

Come to think of it: no, I don't necessarily need fairings. I need some procedural part that I can make custom shapes out of in a manner that is reproducible and precise. Like when I wanted to do a 1:1 Starship and used fairings to create a 9m diameter hull. Which was only possible with a lot of trickery instead of just showing me the diameter of how wide the fairing really is.

Fairings are so far the only part that enables me to build something close to what I want to achieve. And no, I don't want mods. I want to do it stock.

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43 minutes ago, ShadowZone said:

Getting both halves to have the exact same diameter and curvature was a royal pain in the behind

I fail to see how the new controls improve this aspect. A wee bit of less sensitivity may help, but getting perfect symmetry...

46 minutes ago, ShadowZone said:

Come to think of it: no, I don't necessarily need fairings. I need some procedural part that I can make custom shapes out of in a manner that is reproducible and precise

Guess we can all kiss that idea goodbye. I'm not into recreation of RL vessels, and 90% of the time, I'm just covering payload. Old system was way faster, hence my preference...

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13 hours ago, gluckez said:

what's broken about them? haven't noticed anything

Under some circumstances, often related to the orbital decay bug, they produce wild, frequently craft-destroying phantom forces upon docking or undocking. Once a craft's internal momentum numbers get corrupted, even if the initial signs of it are subtle, you can never dock or undock it again without something very bad happening. It generally doesn't occur if all you're doing is docking stuff in Kerbin orbit, but if you try it in other places with different bug behavior, it happens all the time.  I'm pretty sad it apparently didn't get fixed, because nearly all of my missions involve repeated docking and undocking around bodies other than Kerbin.

...There was also a bug where struts didn't break as they are supposed to upon undocking if they were connecting two docked parts . Not sure if they fixed that one yet either.

Edited by herbal space program
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40 minutes ago, Chilkoot said:

Sadly, both are pretty debatable at this point.

You aren’t wrong. Sometimes I feel like when they read the bug reports they are unable to understand the spirit of the issues.  Like for example for the issue with the camera resetting when switching from map view to flight view, they fixed it so it doesn’t flip 180 degrees anymore, but if you move the camera at all it still resets the vertical and horizontal movements back to zero so the camera is no longer pointing where I put it  

Like, should I really have to point out that the entire point of the bug report is that the camera should simply stay put where the player put it? Frustrating for sure. Makes me think they don’t have the time or resources to do things properly. 

Edited by MechBFP
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48 minutes ago, MechBFP said:

Makes me think they don’t have the time or resources to do things properly. 

It's a real concern.  Reviews and presumably sales are in the tank at the moment (31% positive last 30 days... yikes!), and the publisher will only bankroll so much for so long.   I think optimism is starting to collide with reality on this title.

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Upon quick run through... Performance is okay, wheels on Minmus no longer float. But...

very deep sigh

Previously stable vessel made of few docked modules now wobbles on Hold Prograde SAS mode. The wheels still sink and launch the rovers with phantom force in random direction. Can't revert flight because it bugs out. Hitting M in Tracking Station does some weird stuff with UI. I'm not sure I can point the camera in flight straight down.

And I probably could live with those, but there's one topic that's very important.

The new, "improved" navball mode made my experience worse.

Please, do not add more weirdness to things that are receiving negative feedback overall.

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2 hours ago, The Aziz said:

And I probably could live with those, but there's one topic that's very important.

The new, "improved" navball mode made my experience worse.

Please, do not add more weirdness to things that are receiving negative feedback overall.

You know, I love the new navball colors and love that they give a clear indication of which velocity mode you're in, but I had also assumed that the colors were chosen with accessibility in mind. And that they apparently weren't is a huge bummer.

It's 2023. There's no longer any excuse for any development team consisting of more than one unpaid person to (apparently) disregard accessibility like this, or to treat it as a nice-to-have. Nate's talked about how every new feature is designed and tested with multiplayer in mind. Accessibility should be even more fundamental than that. If the UX team is lacking someone who can be an in-house expert on accessibility, that seriously needs to be rectified imho tbh

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