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The DoubleDouble Redoubled thread that never was

Grand Ship Builder

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Hello KSP players, here is an interesting mod that adds several star systems, some of which are binary pairs. :D

Pictures :





Hum nice picture!


Frono surface


Hum very nice picture!!


New adventure?


SUN GLASS PLZ!! :cool:

Videos :



Create by @Kottabos :D


Project(s) :


Legends : 

  • (Not Completed) = Not yet started
  • (Pre-Progressing) = I am not often on his
  • (Progressing) = I am currently doing
  • (Pre-Completed) = It's almost finished
  • (Completed) = it's done!
  • (Abandoned) = I have abandon
  • (Error) = I am not able to solve it!



Star(s) Systems  :

Downloads :

Source :

Wiki :

Depends mods :

  • Kopernicus by @Thomas P., This mod is the core to manage stars, planets and moons.
  • ModularFlightIntegrator by @sarbian, This mod allows multiples mods to override or insert code into various call of the stock FlightIntegrator.
  • ModuleManager by @sarbianThis mod that allows you to write a patch file that modifies another part at the time of loading.

Recommends mods :

Suggestions mods :

Compatibles (API) mods :

  • SigmaBinary by @Sigma88, This mod will let you turn custom and/or stock bodies into binary systems.

Changelogs :



Futur Release v1.3 :

  • No information

Futur Beta-release v1.2.1 :

  • No information

Futur Beta-release v1.2 :

  • The third version
  • This version adds, a new solar system, new textures, new planets/moons, apis, parts, KSPedia, Bugfix and mores!

Pre-release v1.1 :

  • The second version
  • This version adds, a new solar system, new textures, new planets/moons, api (SigmaBinary) and much mores!

Pre-release v1.0 : 

  • The first version

Legends : 

  • (Pre-release) = A pre-made version
  • (Beta-release) = An almost finished version
  • (Release) = A version of the mod that is complete
  • (Futur Pre-release) = A pre-made version but which has not yet been released!
  • (Futur Beta-release) = An almost finished version but which has not yet been released!
  • (Futur Release) A version of the mod that is complete but which has not yet been released!


.Special thanks :


Teams :



Legends :

  • (Contributor) = A person who helps us
  • (Co-Owner) = Second-Founder
  • (Owner) = Founder
  • (Nowner) = Mod Managers, basically owners but that's taken (also sounds cool, is a portmanteau of "Now" and "Owner"

Chats :

  • Discord My server!
  • Discord DoubleDouble

Donate :

  • Patreon (Can I have a coffee?)

Others :




  1. Download the latest version of Kopernicus which can be found here
  2. Put the mods files in the GameData folder
  3. Start the game (KSP)
  4. Have fun :)

And if you have a suggestion or find bugs or errors, contact us (pikmin-123@hotmail.com or make a private message in the forum of KSP or otherwise) Thank you very much

Edited by Grand Ship Builder
New contributor!
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I've had some trouble getting in contact with him. He wants @Mrcarrot to be owner, but we and a few others have agreed on splitting the control over to 3 people. In the Discord server, he has kicked out a few users and then left entirely. I cannot message him, as I get an error. @NickRoss120 has reported the same thing. Possible theories include that he is angry about what happened recently (most likely about who will control the mod after v1.2), that he has already abandoned the mod, or he is just enjoying the holidays with friends and family.


Something's just not right. This thread is to continue DD's legacy, on behalf of the 3 roles solution (3 people control the mod), which has included me.

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8 hours ago, Grand Ship Builder said:


I've had some trouble getting in contact with him. He wants @Mrcarrot to be owner, but we and a few others have agreed on splitting the control over to 3 people. In the Discord server, he has kicked out a few users and then left entirely. I cannot message him, as I get an error. @NickRoss120 has reported the same thing. Possible theories include that he is angry about what happened recently (most likely about who will control the mod after v1.2), that he has already abandoned the mod, or he is just enjoying the holidays with friends and family.


Something's just not right. This thread is to continue DD's legacy, on behalf of the 3 roles solution (3 people control the mod), which has included me.

I was getting the same thing too. He sent me a message, and when i eanted to reply i got an error. I do think he is angry, or maaaybe depressed. IDK why.

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4 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

Can we get a link to #Kopernicus discord, too?

We like to send all users that way for support.

So you are taking over the mod yet you plan on sending users to the Kopernicus guys for support?

13 hours ago, NickRoss120 said:


Looks like he decided to abandon it...

Doesn't look like that to me ... 17 hours ago he asked for his thread to be locked

Something doesn't quite add up ... not accusing anyone of anything but it appears to me there might be a reason why you are not getting a response (holiday season perhaps ... 17 hours ago was christmas day, no)

Not sure how you can say a mod has been abandoned when the mod maker has been online and also has commented in his thread 17 hours ago :confused:

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20 minutes ago, DoctorDavinci said:

So you are taking over the mod yet you plan on sending users to the Kopernicus guys for support?

Doesn't look like that to me ... 17 hours ago he asked for his thread to be locked

Something doesn't quite add up ... not accusing anyone of anything but it appears to me there might be a reason why you are not getting a response (holiday season perhaps ... 17 hours ago was christmas day, no)

Not sure how you can say a mod has been abandoned when the mod maker has been online and also has commented in his thread 17 hours ago :confused:

Read the title of the mod.

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23 minutes ago, The Cuttlefish Empire said:

Until Sam has made it abundantly clear that it is you, NickRoss120, and MrCarrot that now own this mod, I'd steer clear of a download link, just to prevent licencing issues.

The mod is licensed as MIT. This makes it perfectly legal for us to do so, and, in addition, if you look at the original license, I am in it.

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1 hour ago, Mrcarrot said:

The mod is licensed as MIT. This makes it perfectly legal for us to do so, and, in addition, if you look at the original license, I am in it.

IMHO, Just because a mod is open license, and you *CAN* do what you want and re-release it, doesnt mean you *SHOULD* do it... especially when there is confusion/issues with a recent abandonment... This is the difference between legal and ethical issues... getting into ethical issues right off the bat can lead to unecessary drama and distaste within the community...
theres a couple old terms that come to mind... "...not even waiting for <someone's> seat to get cold...", and "grave-jumping"... "at least letting the dust settle..."

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5 hours ago, DoctorDavinci said:

So you are taking over the mod yet you plan on sending users to the Kopernicus guys for support?

? I ain't taking over this mod.

Kopernicus is the dependency that all planet mods to this day use. Therefore, if there are issues, people should ask there first because there are more people to help and it is dedicated to assist people with their planets.

By the way guys, we all know how things are. These replies will be deleted for 'off topic' or 'personal attack' (yes. In quotations). So let's just stay a tad bit more kind to each other and discuss this in a nicer way. 

(Sorry to be the 'thread angel' here)

Edited by Gameslinx
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On 12/26/2017 at 1:41 PM, Mrcarrot said:

The mod is licensed as MIT. This makes it perfectly legal for us to do so, and, in addition, if you look at the original license, I am in it.

Legal does not necessarily mean right. I gather there is/was some sort of friction/disagreement involved here, and it is a bit murkier since you are listed as one of the original authors.

However, it is quite possible that your actions in both creating this thread and posting in the original thread may have been the straw that broke the camels back; i.e. pushed him over the edge into this action.

It is a little to late to do anything now, but for the future, keep in mind that there was no urgency in doing this, it could have waited a few weeks.  Its also the polite thing to do.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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On 12/26/2017 at 1:41 PM, Mrcarrot said:

if you look at the original license, I am in it.

I think that is where the mistake was made ... He created the mod (I've been following since it was created) and by including others in the license (which was not the case when first released) gave the others on the license the idea that they are now able to do what they want with it which in turn obviously created some friction (and I suspect he felt that he had to include others in the license ... pressured perhaps?)

Then opening this new thread before you had even figured out who was actually taking over let alone allowing the creator of this mod to finish with his holidays and sort out the confusion that was obviously created ... Straw that broke the camels back, no, more like getting smashed upside the head with a lemon peel wrapped around a large gold brick

Good for you guys, you are now modders :rolleyes:

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Announcement: Because of problems like Sam Belanger leaving and abandoning the mod, the crisis afterwards, this whole licensing situation , and a bunch of other problems that probably don't exist but might, the V1.2 release will be delayed, probably for a rather long time.

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