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Threads of the month: November 2022


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The KSP forum moderator's team presents the
Threads of the Month
November 2022 Edition


October saw a lot of changes for me, as I am sure a lot of you have had your share of changes. One of the unfortunate changes is the way Imgur handles images. Usually, I resize them on Imgur. But that option is no longer an option. So, if you're one of the lucky ones who has a thread recognized as a TOTM, you can copy the image's link above, go to the area of the forum you want to place it, then paste the link. When the image appears, press the <CONTROL> button and right click on your mouse. A menu will drop down and offer you the option to edit the picture. You can resize it - the first number can be changed as large or small as you want it. The above image has the first number set to 174 pixels. I hope Imgur changes this feature soon. Not all change is good change!

And as I do in each of these threads, I am asking a favor - if you see an interesting thread - NOMINATE IT! The instructions for nominating a thread are at the bottom of this post.

For those out there who like the nerdy parts of the TOTM:

To continue what I started in May 2021, I began keeping some forum statistics to respond to those claiming the forum was dying. In October, there were 414 new forum accounts (an increase of 27, or up 7.0% from October). Out of the new forum members that joined last month, there were 28 who were active and participating in the forum. This conversion means 6.76% of the new users who registered their accounts are now contributing members of our community! (This increased from last month; 6.45% of the new members became active and contributing members). If you’re interested in seeing the new members of our forum, you can click here!

Now, without further delay, I present to you the threads of the month for November:

Fan-fiction, Mission Reports, and Kerbal Space Program-inspired Creative Works:

This category features a thread (or threads) that, while not directly Kerbal Space Program related, may be a creative work, fan-fiction, or other presentation related to the game.

One of the fun things about Kerbal Space Program is in all three modes, there is plenty of room to explore the cosmos kosmos in a way that suits your own style. And if there's any area of the forum that acts as a showcase to the many different ways the community envisions the future of space exploration - or how a race of space faring beings might explore space with disregard for safety - the missions reports is such a place to visit.

For this month's highlighted thread in this category, @Nazalassa not only gives us a little insight into how they play the game, their vision for space exploration, but the type of craft required to explore the oddities of space. There's a lot of thought going into identifying a problem, then designing the mission parameters, spacecraft design, and executing the mission - in a sandbox game!

Warning, this thread is image-heavy and may cause performance issues with your web browser depending on your Internet connection speed.

If you're stuck and can't figure out what to do in your own favorite saved game and need a jump start, why not give this mission report a quick read - or any one of the mission reports in the forum. I'm sure you'll be amazed at the different things our community members come up with!

Forum Member Created Challenges and Missions:

This category contains missions and challenges created by you, the members of our gaming community. Many excellent missions and challenges threads are created that expand our fun with the game and press our skills, creativity, and sometimes, luck beyond what we get accustomed to. Let’s face it, we all have our go-to design basics and even our go-to vehicles we like to use. So sometimes, a good challenge can cause us to think of another way to achieve our goals

No matter how much you love Kerbal Space Program, at some point you'll have a moment where you'll sit in front of your computer and give a blank stare because you have no idea what to do next. Well, @kspnerd122 has a thread for that! Give a list of your mods - if you use them, your skill level, and a challenge will be generated for you!

If you're looking for a challenge and need help coming up with some mission goals of your own, why not give this thread a try! Be sure to read some of the responses to some of the issued challenges to get a feel for what you might be given as your challenge by @kspnerd122!

Game Support/Game Mod of the Month:

This category features either help with the game (stock or modded) or mods that add quality-of-life gameplay improvements to Kerbal Space Program.

There are some nominations for Thread of the Month that when we see them our reaction can't be anything other than "wow!" This one goes beyond "wow" as you begin to read within the OP:


On 2022 August 14, at the behest of Techo, ten planet builders on the Gregrox Mods discord server came together to build a solar system together within one week, in an event called the Week World Planet Jam. We present the results of this collaboration here. The Sauwel system contains 9 planetary systems comprising 30 celestial bodies. Aside from a few initial conditions, each contributor created their planet blind, with no spoilers or hints about the other contributors' work. The system is therefore an interesting mix of different styles of planet design, resulting in a system where every planet is something of a unique oddball.


As we know, the forum software limits any thread to the credit of one author, this thread is no different. But the recognition of this TOTM goes to @GregroxMun, @WarriorSabe@Exo's Lab, @Adstri, @Mrpasta44 (Techo), Marshall (Myth), @Caps Lock,  Tholin, CIOCIA (Cloverdove), and @JoQueebious .  Not only are the planets in this mod extremely well done, but this was a challenge to some of the best planet modders we have on the forum - to blindly make a complete planetary system of their own design and at the end of a week, combine it into a single star system! 

There's a lot of work and dedication that's gone into this mod. And it also shows a love for the members of our community. Even if you don't use mods or you're afraid this planetary mod will melt down your GPU, at least visit the thread and leave some encouraging and appreciative words for those who participated in this modder's challenge! If you are looking for a lot of challenges within your own game, such as new places to explore, new scenery, and strange, new worlds, then why not give this mod a try!

(Note for @GregroxMun: I could not find the user names for everyone :( )

General community threads of the month:

This category features a thread that adds to the community and doesn’t fit the game support/game mod categories.

There are times when a thread just strikes up a conversation on the forum that causes us to go "hmm, I haven't thought about it before, but..." and this is one of those threads. Started by @kerbiloid, this thread ponders the age old question, what if...

So, if you are a LOTR fan, and you love science-fiction, and you enjoy sharing some wild theories (or maybe some not-so-far-fetched ones), come join the conversation.

Video-based Fan-fiction, Mission Reports, and Kerbal Space Program-inspired Creative Works:

This category features a video or other form of cinematography of a Kerbal mission report using in-game video recorded game play. 

It's one thing to see mission reports and videos of spacecraft, aircraft, submarines, and surface vessels. But it is a completely different thing to see videos of working machinery made in Kerbal Space Program! Now I know what some of you are probably thinking - here goes adsii1970 on one of his "I remember back in the .90 and earlier days when..." and you'd be right! :rolleyes: But there were videos made on an almost weekly (and sometimes, daily) bases of people making such machines. When this nomination was made and when I saw the videos of the machinations created by @minerbat in this thread, it really was a great reminder of some of the great stuff our community does with this game!

So, if you want to see a sample of the potential of the engineering applications of Kerbal Space Program, then this is a thread you want to visit! Right now, there are two videos posted; I am hoping @minerbat will be even more inspired to post more. Maybe this thread will inspire you to create a machination of your own - and if you get a working contraption, create a thread and share a video of it on the forum!

Honorable mentions:

Sometimes it’s a challenge to choose which threads are going to receive the honor of being selected as the Thread of the Month for our five categories. We get so many good nominations each month to choose from, but we limit it to one for each type. Threads nominated but not selected as a thread of the month become honorable mentions. The honorable mentions for this month are:

The honorable mentions for this month may not have made the Thread of The Month, but if you think they might be worthy of another opportunity, please renominate it!

Congratulations to all the winners of the Thread of the Month! We want to thank our forum members, @AlamoVampire@Clonos@Rutabaga22@sturmhauke, and the members of the moderation team and staff who nominated this month’s contenders. Thank you so much for helping us identify noteworthy threads and bringing their awareness to our forum community. We’d appreciate your continued help in the future.

The odds and ends:

The note:  Discussing whether or not the "Non-binary Kerbals and Gender Nonconforming Kerbals in KSP2?" thread should have received recognition as an honorable mention or if it should be allowed to be on the forum is not acceptable on this thread. If you feel that it does not deserve recognition, then please feel free to ignore it - but do not make criticism of any featured thread's content or the OP of the thread ON THIS THREAD. The purpose of the Threads of the Month - this thread - is to highlight contributions to the forum community as selected and nominated by members of the community; and because we serve a community with diverse interests, there will be times threads are nominated that may appeal to a segment of our overall community.

Any post that is hypercritical of any thread author, the subject of a recognized thread, or a violation of the Forum Guidelines, will be removed and appropriate moderation action taken. 

You're more than welcome to post a congratulatory message to the other threads you feel are deserving of the recognition received.

TO NOMINATE  A THREAD FOR CONSIDERATION: If you find a thread you feel should be considered for next month’s thread of the month, then use the “report comment” feature (the three dots on the upper right corner of the comment box) to report the comment. Please put in the text field of the report post “Nomination for thread of the month,” and we will do the rest! You can always nominate more than one thread, too.

And the last word this post: I'd like to thank a few people who continue to trust me enough to continue to support and allow me to contribute to the forum. I'd like to thank the Lead Moderator, @Vanamonde for bringing me on as a moderator, a decision that I'm sure has had moments where he often wonders why he did it. I'd also like to thank @Ghostii_Space, our community manager and @Nerdy_Mike, the KSP Franchise Community Lead, for allowing me to continue to serve our Kerbal Space Program forum community through the monthly Threads of the Month post. :) 

In case you missed last month’s threads of the month, you can click here.

Edited by adsii1970
Had to correct my mistakes. >:(
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Agreed, it's cool to see our work made it here.

I'm also glad to be put in with the category of some of the best on the forum even though the only things I've made (that have released on here in any way) are Corelian, one part of this, and a half-done solar system that's still mostly placeholders lol

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  On 11/3/2022 at 2:28 AM, GregroxMun said:

verifying that that's Techo (one of the forum accounts that had been missing in the original post), @adsii1970


Thanks, @GregroxMun! I've updated the OP. :)

  On 11/2/2022 at 11:48 PM, WarriorSabe said:

and a half-done solar system that's still mostly placeholders lol


Heh, you just described the system I've been tinkering with for years. :p

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I am glad to see that my thread became a part of the Honorable Mentions as well to even think that it was NOMINATED!!!! That is an amazing feat in my personal opinion, but then again I might just be getting ahead of myself. I love contributing to this forum and community, I understand that so many of us come from vastly different backgrounds and that each of us come together for our wonted (habitual; usual) love for space. I enjoyed my thread very much, even though it did not have the best of runs due to the expected unruly debate that would occur after posting. I knew it would receive criticism, but that's a part of the steps I as well as the rest of my community must take to one day receive acceptance from the wonderful world the each of us share. I must share my thanks with @regex, @MechBFP, @Bej Kerman, @Alastor the Kerbal Demon,  and most of all @Pthigrivi!!!


Edited by Gargamel
Portions redacted by Moderator.
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If you’d like to discuss the topic of a thread, please take it to that topic, this is not the place for that.    If you are currently unable to do so, well you’re out of luck then.  

If you have issues, good or bad, with moderators actions, please contact us in a PM to discuss the issue.    

Please stay on the topic of this thread.  

Some content has been removed.  

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  On 11/6/2022 at 11:08 PM, BigStar Aerospace said:

I am glad to see that my thread became a part of the Honorable Mentions as well to even think that it was NOMINATED!!!! That is an amazing feat in my personal opinion, but then again I might just be getting ahead of myself. I love contributing to this forum and community, I understand that so many of us come from vastly different backgrounds and that each of us come together for our wonted (habitual; usual) love for space. I enjoyed my thread very much, even though it did not have the best of runs due to the expected unruly debate that would occur after posting. I knew it would receive criticism, but that's a part of the steps I as well as the rest of my community must take to one day receive acceptance from the wonderful world the each of us share.


I'd say your post getting nominated is a massive win for the LGBTQ+ community here! [snip]

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