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DJA 1946 BDAc AI Dogfight Tournament

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Re: ram damage, I don't know. Some quick testing showed that both stock and proc wingboards are equally resistant (though strangely perpendicular wings resisted impart better than angled, at least in the test setup I had), regardless of FAR mass setting, so I don't think it's that. Best guess is autostruts are involved somehow; in impacts within a part's crash tolerance the joint between the part and its parent wants to bend to absorb impact, could be when a wing is strutted to something else lever action is torquing that part as well, maybe causing both to break. More testing is required.
Yes, tracers got tweaked a bit. Original config had them about 10x wider than they should be, so I reduced their size to see what that would be like. I can re-embiggen them if needs be.

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  On 6/8/2019 at 12:02 AM, aleksey444 said:

I scanned the previous BAD-T IV, III, and II threads, and compiled a list of everybody who posted in them, excepting those I already noticed posting in the current thread. I assumed that if you posted in the BAD-T threads, you have an interest in such competitions, and therefore might wish to participate in this one.

Some people haven’t logged in in months or years, but many are active. My hope is that if your name is mentioned in this thread, you will receive a notification and decide to join in. The more the merrier!

So, I would like to invite the following people to join in this fight:

@53miner53, @Adam Kerman, @adamgerd, @Aerolfos, @Alioth81, @alp3r, @Arvolder, @Astrofox, @Azimech, @BahamutoD, @Bananders, @blackheart612, @Bob_Saget54, @Bottle Rocketeer 500, @Brice04, @Combatsmithen, @crashsolo36, @DIMASARM, @DoctorDavinci, @Doke, @Draconiator, @dundun92, @dundun93, @Dwerto, @Eidahlil, @ferram4, @g00bd0g, @Gnoyze, @gridghost, @Ironsights, @JagerVonSmith, @Jeb, The Lonely Kerbonaut, @Joseph Kerman, @KamikazeF0X, @keptin, @Kronos1174, @KSP Bros KS, @luftein, @MarvinCZ, @Matuchkin, @MightyDarkStar, @Murican_Jeb, @NKL, @Noir, @OmegaForce, @OrbitalBuzzsaw, @Orenstix, @pyrosheep, @RedPandaz, @SasquatchM, @Sidestrafe2462, @SpannerMonkey(smce), @sturmhauke, @TangerineSedge, @Temeter, @tetryds, @The Fedora Astronaut, @The Optimist, @theonegalen, @TheSealBrigade, @TheSpaceManiac, @Van Disaster, @Vanamonde, @Vexnium, @Vigelius, @Wjolcz, @Wolf123.

If I’ve not mentioned you, I apologize. Going through three threads was a tedious task, as was typing everybody’s name here. If you see this, please join in.

I want to hear your lamentations over losing, instead of lamentations over missing the competition. Let’s swamp @SuicidalInsanity with so may submissions that he will be running battles for the next few months! :D

Come and fight with us!


Is this still going on?


Edit: It seems to be

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Hey guys, since we love battling AIs so much I have started developing a game especially for that!

This one is not about airplanes, but I think you are going to enjoy.

In fact, I may end up making one about airplanes in the future, I just need to validate this concept and learn with this project to get the most of it first :D

The game is still very early alpha, but I'm aiming to get it polish enough on every iteration.


I packed 3 example AI setups and 5 compiled AI fighters

The compiled versions don't have the AI representation, this way you can share your AIs without actually showing how they are built, I hope it adds to the fun.

Try and win against two "Smart Defensive" on the corners and one "Smart Aggro" on the center.

The default AIs there are not super smart, I need to balance my time between playing it and developing you know...

For now we have those dumb cubes, but I already have a base 3d character model and will start going deeper into the gameplay, that's why I need your help!


I am still figuring out where to keep a dev log and post the updates, totally open for suggestions.

Hope you enjoy!

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Going with a center and right aggressive AI with a left Dasher as a flanker yielded some interesting results - it was the first setup I tried, and won with only one loss (no idea which bot died, maybe have names displayed above bots?), but rerunning the same setup 10 or 20 times for the sake of empirical curiosity had everything from two enemy bots left standing to two of my own surviving at almost full health, slight weight towards a single mauled dasher as the survivor; using three dashers seems to win fairly consistently. Some things I noticed - bots sometimes appear to be target fixated; due to their cubic nature, it wasn't uncommon to see three bots in a line, BRR, with the red adjacent the  blue attacking, but the blue refusing to attack. Also, is there friendly fire? There were a few times when a cube took damage and appeared to do so from an ally.


Back on topic, here's Round 3, Match 1, between @OmegaForce's A.F.C Cosmic Star Blazer and @Me1_base's Agravian FCS Unlocked:


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[@OmegaForce's A.F.C Cosmic Star Blazer and @Me1_base's Agravian FCS Unlocked: ]

No surprises their the Agravian FCS Unlocked is far more maneuverable then my Cosmic Star Blazzer. I expect by the end of this tournament Unlocked will come in second overall with the Swift taking 1st place.

[IA-32 VIII and @dundun92's IV-5Mk_IVa:]

Entertaining dogfight with several cinematic moments. Nice to see the wing holding it's own also noticed how accurate some of it's shots can be very impressive.

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  On 9/2/2019 at 1:01 AM, GDJ said:

I know I'm pretty late for the party, but are you still accepting submissions?


Sorry, but no, not for DJA. The tournament is well under way and should be finishing up in the next 2 weeks-ish, so it's a bit late to be adding new entries. That said, there have a number of people who have posted something along the lines of 'Aarg, I missed it!?' and since September is upon us, which apparently has become the month BAD-T contests start in, once DJA ends I'm probably going to segue straight to BAD-T V (pre-order now!)


First of the mirror matches! Can @Pds314's L-19 Weird duck hope to defeat @Pds314's L-24 Broadhead? Wait, or should that be the other way around? Round 3, Match 4:


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  On 9/3/2019 at 1:37 AM, SuicidalInsanity said:

Sorry, but no, not for DJA. The tournament is well under way and should be finishing up in the next 2 weeks-ish, so it's a bit late to be adding new entries. That said, there have a number of people who have posted something along the lines of 'Aarg, I missed it!?' and since September is upon us, which apparently has become the month BAD-T contests start in, once DJA ends I'm probably going to segue straight to BAD-T V (pre-order now!)


First of the mirror matches! Can @Pds314's L-19 Weird duck hope to defeat @Pds314's L-24 Broadhead? Wait, or should that be the other way around? Round 3, Match 4:



The answer is.... A definitive maybe!

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Round 3, Match 5, between @Hinden's H-7-7-30+ and @Me1_base's Zephyerion-0:

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Mirror match 2, between @Alioth81's AL-18 Swift and @Alioth81's Al-21. There's only room for one agile long-winged 30mm armed fighter at the top. Which will it be?

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And that's the end of Round 3. 6 matches to go.
AI tally of terrible decisions to date:
Friendly Fire: II
Ground collisions: IIII IIII IIII

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Well, Round 3 Match 5 was the result of a design decision. I did not want the plane to bleed more speed while turning (and become a sitting duck, not being able to speed up), so I restricted the turn radius. Looks like that Zephyron-Zero had a tighter turn radius, so it always ended up behind H-7. This was the same against Pds314's L-24, my plane had a tighter turn radius, was slower so it ended up behind, more opportunities to shoot.

Alioth81's designs are something else, sad to see AL-21 in the middle of the ladder, but I am happy my plane did not get it as an opponent for the next round.

After the first round, my prognosis would have been, AL18 first, AL-21, Zephyrion-Zero, Agravain FCS in top 4, and H-7 5-7th place. The big surprise was noir's Blizzard MkV it did not lose a single match thus far, and I have grown to like the design over the matches.

I am excited about the last round especialy about Match 5 and 6.

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